Volume 22, Issue 3 (2023)
Contested Conference Locations: Perspectives on the 2024 AAG/Lugares de conferencias en disputa: perspectivas sobre las reuniones de la AAG y la CLAG de 2024 and CLAG Meetings/Locais de conferências contestados: perspectivas sobre os encontros da AAG e da CLAG de 2024
Martha G. Bell, Jessica Budds, Gabriela Valdivia, Jorn Seemann, Johnny Finn, and Eugenio Arima
Volume 22 Reviewers
Yulia Garcia Sarduy
The Multi-Local Dynamics of the Pataxó in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Indigenous Relationships with the State, Economic Activities, and Family Networks
Thiago Barbosa de Campos, Marden Barbosa de Campos, and Philipp Horn
Disputas discursivas en torno al desarrollo sostenible de los océanos: la pesca de arrastre de camarón en Costa Rica / Discursive Contestations around the Sustainable Development of the Oceans: Shrimp Trawling in Costa Rica
Alexa Obando-Campos and Sara Latorre
JLAG Perspectives
Reforming Water Governance in Chile: A Hydrosocial Relations Perspective
Jessica Budds and Kathleen O'Reilly
Los ríos como territorio en disputa: hacia un enfoque relacional del agua en Chile / Rivers as Disputed Territory: Towards a Relational Approach to Water in Chile
Elizabeth Macpherson, Paulo Urrutia, and Pia Weber Salazar
Challenges for Local Water Governance in Central-Southern Chile: Insights from the Biobío, La Araucanía, and Los Ríos Regions
Juliane Dame and Johanna Höhl Dr
Book Reviews
Palm Oil Diaspora: Afro-Brazilian Landscapes and Economies on Bahia's Dendê Coast by Case Watkins
Karl Offen, Vanessa Castaneda, Nia Cambridge, Martha G. Bell, Samira Moretto, and Case Watkins
Guaraná: How Brazil Embraced the World's Most Caffeine-Rich Plant by Seth Garfield (review)
Antionette WinklerPrins
La transición energética en la Argentina: una hoja de ruta para entender los proyectos en pugna y las falsas soluciones ed. by Maristella Svampa y Pablo Bertinat (review)
Christian Brannstrom
La transición energética en la Argentina: una hoja de ruta para entender los proyectos en pugna y las falsas soluciones ed. by Maristella Svampa and Pablo Bertinat (review)
Christian Brannstrom and Claudia Noriega de Griffin
Quinoa. Food Politics and Agrarian Life in the Andean Highlands by Linda J. Seligmann (review)
Lorena Toro-Mayorga
Fatherhood in the Borderlands: A Daughter's Slow Approach by Domino Renee Perez (review)
Stuart Aitken
Latin America and the Caribbean: An Environment and Development Approach by Brad D. Jokisch (review)
Marie Price
Making Better Coffee: How Maya Farmers and Third Wave Tastemakers Create Value by Edward F. Fischer (review)
Daniel Klooster
Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics: Contentious Issues ed. by Walter Leal Filho, Victor T. King, and Ismar Borges de Lima (review)
Martina Jakubchik-Paloheimo
Pachamama Politics: Campesino Water Defenders and the Anti-Mining Movement in Andean Ecuador by Teresa A. Velásquez (review)
Nicholas L. Padilla
A Compact History of Latin America's Cold War by Vanni Pettinà (review)
Claudia Díaz-Combs