
Submissions from 2015

Hispanic and Latino New Orleans: Immigration and Identity Since the Eighteenth Century, Andrew Sluyter, Case Watkins, James P. Chaney, and Annie M. Gibson

Hispanic and latino New Orleans: Immigration and identity since the eighteenth century, A. Sluyter, C. Watkins, J.P. Chaney, A.M. Gibson, and D.D. Arreola

Quantitative Methods and Socio-Economic Applications in GIS, Fahui Wang

Accessibility of cancer care: disparities, outcomes and mitigation, F. Wang and T. Onega

Constructing Geographic Areas by REDCAP and MLR for Analysis of Homicide Rates: A Case Study of New Orleans, Louisiana, F. Wang and L.K. Robert

Built environment and obesity by urbanicity in the U.S., Y. Xu and F. Wang

Multilevel built environment features and individual odds of overweight and obesity in Utah, Y. Xu, M. Wen, and F. Wang

Books from 2014

North American Odyssey: Historical Geographies for the Twenty-First Century, Craig E. Colten

Southern Waters: The Limits to Abundance, Craig E. Colten

A reconstruction of sea surface temperature variability in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico from 1734 to 2008 C.E. using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea, Kristine L. DeLong, Jennifer A. Flannery, Richard Z. Poore, Terrence M. Quinn, Christopher R. Maupin, Ke Lin, and Chuan-Chou Shen

GIS-based assessment of urban environmental quality in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, M. Joseph, F. Wang, and L. Wang

Application of LiDAR and discriminant analysis to determine landscape characteristics for different types of slope failures in heavily vegetated, steep terrain: Horseshoe Run watershed, West Virginia, Kory M. Konsoer and J. Steven Kite

Towards big data-driven human mobility patterns and models, Y. Liu, C. Kang, and F. Wang

Analyzing relatedness by toponym co-occurrences on web pages, Y. Liu, F. Wang, C. Kang, Y. Gao, and Y. Lu

Fueling the Ancient Maya Salt Industry, Heather McKillop

The Ancient Maya Canoe Paddle and the Canoe from Paynes Creek National Park, Belize., Heather McKillop


African Arrivals and Transformations, Andrew Sluyter


Painting a Map of Sixteenth-Century Mexico City: Land, Writing, and Native Rule, Andrew Sluyter

Location analysis of retail stores in Changchun, China: A street centrality perspective, F. Wang, C. Chen, C. Xiu, and P. Zhang

Post-katrina population loss and uneven recovery in New Orleans, 2000-2010, F. Wang, Q. Tang, and L. Wang

Mapping and spatial analysis of multiethnic toponyms in Yunnan, China, F. Wang, L. Zhang, G. Zhang, and H. Zhang

Evolution of air transport network of China 1930-2012, J. Wang, H. Mo, and F. Wang

Multi-specimen and multi-site calibration of Aleutian coralline algal Mg/Ca to sea surface temperature, B. Williams, J. Halfar, K. L. DeLong, S. Hetzinger, R. S. Steneck, and D. E. Jacob

Disparities in accessibility of public high schools, in metropolitan Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1990-2010, S. Williams and F. Wang

Submissions from 2013

Improving coral-base paleoclimate reconstructions by replicating 350 years of coral Sr/Ca variations, Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence M. Quinn, Frederick W. Taylor, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Ke Lin

Holocene core logs and site methods for modern reef and head-coral cores: Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida, Don Hickey, Christopher D. Reich, Kristine L. DeLong, Richard Z. Poore, and John C. Brock

The effects of climate change on natural ecosystems of the Southeast USA, Charles S. Hopkinson, Alan P. Covich, Chris B. Craft, Kristine L. DeLong, T. W. Doyle, Neal Flanagan, Mary C. Freeman, Ellen R. Herbert, Andrew Mehring, Jacqueline E. Mohan, et al.

Spatial–temporal structure of mixing interface turbulence at two large river confluences, Kory Konsoer

Bankfull hydraulic geometry of submarine channels created by turbidity currents: Relations between bankfull channel characteristics and formative flow discharge, Kory Konsoer, Jessica Zinger, and Gary Parker

Crime Modeling and Mapping Using Geospatial Technologies, Michael Leitner

Recent 121-year variability of western boundary upwelling in the northern South China Sea, Yi Liu, Zicheng Peng, Chuan-Chou Shen, Renjun Zhou, Shaohua Song, Zhengguo Shi, Tegu Chen, Gangjian Wei, and Kristine L. DeLong

Ancient Maya wood selection and forest exploitation: a view from the Paynes Creek salt works, Belize, Heather McKillop

Brine Enriching Slag Heaps or Mounded Remains of Salt Makers’ Homes, Heather McKillop

Sustainable Archaeological Tourism of the Maya Paynes Creek project Using 3D Technology, Heather McKillop


History of the non-Spanish Antilles, Andrew Sluyter


New Mexico's Spanish Livestock Heritage: Four Centuries of Animals, Land, and People., Andrew Sluyter

Planning toward equal accessibility to services: A quadratic programming approach, F. Wang and Q. Tang

Population-adjusted street connectivity, urbanicity and risk of obesity in the U.S., F. Wang, M. Wen, and Y. Xu

Reconstructing Gravitational Attractions of Major Cities in China from Air Passenger Flow Data, 2001-2008: A Particle Swarm Optimization Approach, Y. Xiao, F. Wang, Y. Liu, and J. Wang

Submissions from 2012

Sea surface temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since AD 1649, Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence M. Quinn, Frederick W. Taylor, Ke Lin, and Chuan-Chou Shen

(Table A1) Uranium and Thorium determination from IODP Site 310-M0007B, supplement to: DeLong, Kristine; Quinn, Terrence Michael; Shen, Chuan Chou; Lin, Ke (2010): A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11, 1-14, Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence Quinn, CHUAN-CHOU SHEN, and Ke Lin

Using Landsat imagery and census data for urban population density modeling in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, M. Joseph, L. Wang, and F. Wang

Urban land uses and traffic 'source-sink areas': Evidence from GPS-enabled taxi data in Shanghai, Y. Liu, F. Wang, Y. Xiao, and S. Gao

The measurement study of fire-fighting spatial accessibility in Beijing based on M2FCA, X. Niu, X. Li, Y. Sun, N. Peng, and F. Wang

Barbuda: A caribbean island in transition, A.E. Potter and A. Sluyter

Black ranching frontiers: African cattle herders of the Atlantic world, 1500-1900, A. Sluyter

Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader, A. Sluyter

The role of blacks in establishing cattle ranching in Louisiana in the eighteenth century, A. Sluyter

Atlantic Networks and Local Frontiers, Andrew Sluyter

Barbuda, Andrew Sluyter

Black Ranching Frontiers, Andrew Sluyter

Black Ranching Frontiers: African Cattle Herders of the Atlantic World, 1500-1900, Andrew Sluyter

Black ranching frontiers: African cattle herders of the Atlantic world, 1500-1900, Andrew Sluyter

Legacy and Promise, Andrew Sluyter

Louisiana, Andrew Sluyter


Mapping Latin America: A Cartographic Reader, Andrew Sluyter

New Spain, Andrew Sluyter


The Oxford Handbook of Slavery in the Americas, Andrew Sluyter

The Pampas, Andrew Sluyter


The role of blacks in establishing cattle ranching in Louisiana in the eighteenth century, Andrew Sluyter

The Tasajo Trail, Andrew Sluyter


Barbuda: A Caribbean Island In Transition, Andrew Sluyter and Amy E. Potter

Measurement, Optimization, and Impact of Health Care Accessibility: A Methodological Review, F. Wang

Why police and policing need GIS: An overview, F. Wang

Constructing geographic areas for cancer data analysis: A case study on late-stage breast cancer risk in Illinois, F. Wang, D. Guo, and S. McLafferty

Sinification of Zhuang place names in Guangxi, China: A GIS-based spatial analysis approach, F. Wang, G. Wang, J. Hartmann, and W. Luo

Submissions from 2011

Urban land uses, socio-demographic attributes and commuting: A multilevel modeling approach, A. Antipova, F. Wang, and C. Wilmot

GIS-based spatial analysis of population density patterns in China 1953-2000, Y. Cai, F. Wang, and S. Wang


Informe Técnico Final del Trabajo de Campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Caylán (Temporada 2010), David Chicoine and Hugo Ikehara

Geographic disparities in accessibility to food stores in southwest Mississippi, D. Dai and F. Wang

A coral Sr/Ca calibration and replication study of two massive corals from the Gulf of Mexico, Kristine L. DeLong, Jennifer A. Flannery, Christopher R. Maupin, Richard Z. Poore, and Terrence M. Quinn

Reply to comment by Cahyarini et al. on "A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310", Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence M. Quinn, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Ke Lin

Land price and influencing factors in Tsingtao, China, J. Han, F. Wang, H. Gong, X. Li, and Y. Cai

How incipient colonies create territory: the textual surveys of New Spain, 1520s-1620s, Richard Hunter and Andrew Sluyter

Rural - urban inequalities in late-stage breast cancer: Spatial and social dimensions of risk and access, S. McLafferty, F. Wang, L. Luo, and J. Butler

Patterns of health services utilization in rural Canada., R.W. Pong, M. DesMeules, D. Heng, C. Lagacé, J.R. Guernsey, A. Kazanjian, D. Manuel, J.R. Pitblado, R. Bollman, I. Koren, et al.


How incipient colonies create territory: The textual surveys of New Spain, 1520s–1620s, Andrew Sluyter and Richard Hunter

Spatially-integrated social sciences and GIS: A personal perspective, F. Wang

Street centrality and land use intensity in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, F. Wang, A. Antipova, and S. Porta

Estimating O-D travel time matrix by Google Maps API: Implementation, advantages, and implications, F. Wang and Y. Xu

Exploring the network structure and nodal centrality of China's air transport network: A complex network approach, J. Wang, H. Mo, F. Wang, and F. Jin

Submissions from 2010

Land use impacts on trip-chaining propensity for workers and nonworkers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, A. Antipova and F. Wang

Environmental and related applications, J.L. Aron, S. Luzzadder-Beach, M. Sun, F. Wang, L.E. Jackson, G. Susanke, E. Washburn, J. White, D. Wong, C. Yang, et al.

The 100th volume, C.E. Colten, D. Delyser, A. Sluyter, and K. Mathewson

Spatial data analysis and geoinformation extraction, A. Croitoru, D. Guo, F. Wang, D. Wong, P. Agouris, and A. Stefanidis

Washed Away? : The Invisible Peoples of Louisiana's Wetlands, Donald Wayne Davis

A snapshot of climate variability at Tahiti at 9.5 ka using a fossil coral from IODP Expedition 310, Kristine L. DeLong, Terrence M. Quinn, Chuan-Chou Shen, and Ke Lin

The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Geography, Dydia DeLyser

Geographic access and the use of screening mammography, E.B. Elkin, N.M. Ishill, J.G. Snow, K.S. Panageas, P.B. Bach, L. Liberman, F. Wang, and D. Schrag

Population density patterns in Port-au-Prince, Haiti: A model of Latin American city?, M. Joseph and F. Wang

Analyzing spatial aggregation error in statistical models of late-stage cancer risk: A Monte Carlo simulation approach, L. Luo, S. McLafferty, and F. Wang

Terrain characteristics and Tai toponyms: A GIS analysis of Muang, Chiang and Viang, W. Luo, J.F. Hartmann, and F. Wang

HUMBOLDT IN THE AMERICAS*, Kent Mathewson and Andrew Sluyter

“A Late Holocene Record of Sea-Level Rise: the K’ak’ Naab’ Underwater Maya Site Sediment Record, Belize.”, Heather McKillop

Ancient Maya Canoe Navigation and their Implications for Classic and Postclassic Maya Economy and Trade, Heather McKillop

Drowned Landscapes, Heather McKillop

El descubrimeiento y mapeo de arquitectura de Madera del Clascio Maya en una turbera debajo del suelo marino en el Parque Nacional Paynes Creek, Belice, Heather McKillop

Underwater Maya: Spatial Analysis of Briquetage and Wooden Buildings at the Paynes Creek Saltworks, Belize, Central America, Heather McKillop

Analyzing Spatial Patterns of Late-Stage Breast Cancer in Chicago Region: A Modified Scale-Space Clustering Approach, L. Mu, F. Wang, and S. McLafferty

Renegotiating Barbuda's commons: Recent changes in Barbudan open-range cattle herding, A.E. Potter and A. Sluyter