Summer 2007
How Historians Remember the Civil War
Christopher Childers
Feature Essays
CIVIL WAR TREASURES: Facing the EnemyPlanter's Diary Outlines Daily Struggle With Occupation
Leah W. Wood
The American Civil War: A Hands-On History
Wallace Hettle
Boy Soldier of the Confederacy: The Memoir of Johnnie Wickersham
Arthur W. Bergeron Jr.
A Civil War Soldier of Christ and Country, the Selected Correspondence of John Rodgers Meigs, 1859-1864
Arthur W. Bergeron Jr.
Civil War Petersburg: Confederate City in the Crucible of Civil War
Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh
Lincoln's Sword: The Presidency and the Power of Words
William D. Pederson
Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War
Frank J. Williams
Nathan Bedford Forrest's Escort and Staff
James A. Ramage
Nathan Bedford Forrest: in Search of the Enigma
James A. Ramage
Slavery, Emancipation & Freedom: Comparative Perspectives
Robert Gudmestad
A Soldier to the Last: Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler in Blue and Gray
Warren E. Grabau
Through the Howling Wilderness: The 1864 Red River Campaign and Union Failure in the West
Charles V. Waite
Touching the Web of Southern Novelists
Allen Wier
Uncivil War: Five New Orleans Street Battles and the Rise and Fall of Radical Reconstruction
Frank Towers
Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War
Edward R. Crowther
The View From the Ground: Experiences of Civil War Soldiers
Robert A. Taylor
West From Appomattox: The Reconstruction of America After the Civil War
Michael W. Fitzgerald
What This Cruel War Was Over: Soldiers, Slavery, and the Civil War
Randall M. Miller
William Lowndes Yancey and the Coming of the Civil War
Ben H. Severance
Lincolnites and Rebels: A Divided Town in the American Civil War
Gordon B. McKinney