Winter 2023
Civil-War-Era Historians' New Subjects and Novel Approaches
Jeffery Hardin Hobson
Feature Essays
Administering Freedom: The State of Emancipation after the Freedmen’s Bureau
Dale Kretz and Jeffery Hardin Hobson
Civil Wars and Reconstructions in the Americas: The United States, Mexico, and Argentina, 1860-1880.
Andre M. Fleche
The Democratic Collapse: How Gender Politics Broke a Party and a Nation, 1856-1861
Bonnie Laughlin-Schultz
The Northern Home Front During the Civil War
Antoinette van Zelm
The Last Fire-Eater: Roger A. Pryor and the Search for Southern Identity
Kennon Howell Keiser Jr.
Segregation in the New South: Birmingham, Alabama, 1871 - 1901
Williamjames Hoffer