Summer 2010
EDITORIAL New Angles and New Topics
Nathan Buman
Feature Essay
Cwbr Author Interview: Reluctant Rebels: The Confederates Who Joined The Army After 1861
Kenneth W. Noe
Civil War Arkansas 1863: The Battle for a State
Lorien Foote
Family Values in the Old South
Victoria E. Ott
First Fruits of Freedom: The Migration of Former Slaves and Their Search for Equality in Worcester, Massachusetts, 1862-1900
Caitlin Verboon
The Great Task Remaining: The Third Year of Lincoln's War
Brooks D. Simpson
Mary Chesnut's Civil War Epic
Hugh Ruppersburg
Sacred Ties: From West Point Brothers to Battlefield Rivals: A True Story of the American Civil War
Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh
The Good Men Who Won the War: Army of the Cumberland Veterans and Emancipation Memory
Barbara A. Gannon
Trailing Clouds of Glory: Zachary Taylor's Mexican War Campaign and His Emerging Civil Leaders
Kevin Dougherty
Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861
H. Robert Baker
The Grand Design: Strategy and the US Civil War
Brian Holden Reid
Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War South
Robert E. Bonner
Reluctant Rebels: The Confederates Who Joined the Army After 1862
James I. Robertson Jr.