"A Beautiful Maiden" by Yasser K. R. Aman

Comparative Woman

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This is a translation of an Arabic poem from Pre-Islamic poetry written by Antara Bin Shadad. This poem is an example of appropriation in literary translation. When the meaning is not only cultural but when it is ambience- bound as well, appropriation is difficult but not impossible to achieve. " رمتِ الفؤادَ مليحة عذراءُ" " A Beautiful Maiden Shot My Heart" is an example of a hard choice whether to translate a poem into classical or modern poetry. However, the best I have done was to appropriate between both choices. Images are almost kept the same, but the classical style, structure and eco-specific, such as "saba'u'" (the east wind), are rendered in modern ones in the target language. Byronic as well as Wordsworthian images[i] are appropriated in line four.

[i] See Byron's "She Walks in Beauty" and Wordsworth's "Daffodils".



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