Submissions from 1999
Intermolecular hydrogenation of a C=C bond during pi-cyclopentadienyliron complexation of 1,8-dichloro-9,10-dihydro-9,10-etheneoanthracene, BENITES, FR FRONCZEK, and AW MAVERICK
Intermolecular hydrogenation of a C=C bond during π-cyclopentadienyliron complexation of 1,8-dichloro-9,10-dihydro-9,10-ethenoanthracene, María Del Rosario Benites, Frank R. Fronczek, and Andrew W. Maverick
Amino acid order in polymeric dipeptide surfactants: Effect on physical properties and enantioselectivity, Eugene Billiot, Rezik A. Agbaria, Stefan Thibodeaux, Shahab Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Evaluating chiral separation interactions by use of diastereomeric polymeric dipeptide surfactants, Eugene Billiot, Stefan Thibodeaux, Shahab Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Zwitterionic and neutral binuclear complexes formed from copper(II) hexafluoroacetylacetonate and an amino alcohol, Damon R. Billodeaux, Zuzanna T. Cygan, Andrew W. Maverick, and Frank R. Fronczek
Comparison of copper CVD using Cu(fod)2 and Cu(hfac)2 reduction, J. S. Boey, G. L. Griffin, A. W. Maverick, and H. Fan
Solution delivery of Cu(hfac)2 for alcohol-assisted chemical vapor deposition of copper, Narendra S. Borgharkar, Gregory L. Griffin, Hui Fan, and Andrew W. Maverick
Crystal structure and luminescence of 2,7-dimethylnaphthalene-1-carbonitrile, Laurie A. Brown, Frank R. Fronczek, and Andrew W. Maverick
Single-Crystal 27 Al NMR of Andalusite and Calculated Electric Field Gradients: The First Complete NMR Assignment for a 5-Coordinate Aluminum Site, Pamela L. Bryant, Chris R. Harwell, Katherine Wu, Frank R. Fronczek, Randall W. Hall, and Leslie G. Butler
Crystal structure and solid-state NMR (Nb-93 MAS, F-19 MAS, Nb-93 frequency swept) of [NH4](5)[NbF4O][NbF7](2)., PL Bryant, K Wu, Y Lee, FR Fronczek, and LG Butler
HPLC-accelerator MS measurement of atrazine metabolites in human urine after dermal exposure, Bruce A. Buchholz, Esther Fultz, Kurt W. Haack, John S. Vogel, S. Douglas Gilman, Shirley J. Gee, Bruce D. Hammock, Xiaoying Hui, Ronald C. Wester, and Howard I. Maibach
Synchrotron X-ray microtomography and solid-state NMR of environmental wastes in cement, Leslie G. Butler, Frank K. Cartledge, John W. Owens, and Betsy Dowd
Synchrotron x-ray microtomography of waste-solid samples., LG Butler
Interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate with polyelectrolyte complexes derived from diazoresin and sulfonate-containing polymers, Weixiao Cao, Zhiyong Meng, Tao Yie, Donghui Zhang, and Boxuan Yang
Interaction of sodium dodecyl sulfate with polyelectrolyte complexes derived from diazoresin and sulfonate-containing polymers, W. X. Cao, Z. Y. Meng, T. Yie, D. H. Zhang, and B. X. Yang
Reactivity of zinc(II) 5-oxoniaprotoporphyrin-IX: Synthesis of the first 5-oxonia-15-phlorin, Todd E. Clement, Benjamin Gerlach, Mathias O. Senge, and Kevin M. Smith
Ramped amplitude cross polarisation magic angle spinning NMR (Ramp-CP-MAS-NMR): A technique for quantitative study of the composition of solid state polymers, Robert L. Cook and Cooper H. Langford
Conformation of ethylhexanoate stabilizer on the surface of cds nanoparticles, David Diaz, Mario Rivera, Tong Ni, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Silvia Eiena Castillo-Blum, Dattatri Nagesha, Juvencio Robles, Octavio Jaime Alvarez-Fregoso, and Nicholas A. Kotov
Unified laboratory approach to teaching & research in polymer chemistry, R. S. Duran, J. R. Reynolds, and K. B. Wagener
The effect of the vertical displacement of a photosensitizer in a membrane on its efficiency., B Ehrenberg, A Lavi, KM Smith, and G Holmes
Solid-state deuterium MAS NMR studies of TNT/soil adsorption., EF Emery, LG Butler, T Junk, and R Ferrel
Overview: Nonlinear dynamics related to polymeric systems, Irving R. Epstein and John A. Pojman
Architectural control of porphyrin physical and chemical properties., J Fajer, KM Barkigia, MW Renner, KM Smith, and D Holten
Alternate syntheses of pyrromethanes and porphyrins using acid-modified montmorillonite K-10 clay, Beverly A. Freeman and Kevin M. Smith
Oligomeric porphyrin arrays, M Graca, H Vicente, L Jaquinod, and KM Smith
Chiral separations using polymeric dipeptide surfactants: Effect of number of chiral centers and steric factors, Fereshteh Haddadian, Eugene J. Billiot, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Chiral electrokinetic chromatography using dipeptide polymeric surfactants: Present state of the art, Fereshteh Haddadian, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Islah M. Warner
Separation of saturated and unsaturated free fatty acids using capillary electrophoresis with indirect photometric detection, F. Haddadian, S. A. Shamsi, and I. M. Warner
Combining feedback and assessment via Web-based homework, Randall W. Hall, Leslie G. Butler, Neil R. Kestner, and Patrick A. Limbach
Ab initio calculation of Br-18 nuclear quadrupole resonance transition frequencies for brominated aromatics (flame retardants), CR Harwell, AA Mrse, AI Shelby, LG Butler, and RW Hall
Polymeric surfactants as pseudo-stationary phases for separations in electrokinetic chromatography (EKC): A review, Judson L. Haynes, Isiah M. Warner, and Shahab A. Shamsi
337 nm matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization of single aerosol particles, Lin He and Kermit K. Murray
Characteristics of commercial PMMA sheets used in the fabrication of extreme high-aspect-ratio microstructures, Alyssa C. Henry, Robin L. McCarley, Sudipta S. Das, and Chantai G. Khan Malek
Separation of natural pyrethrum extracts using micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Charles W. Henry, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Regioselective syntheses and structural characterizations of 2,3-dibromo- and 2,3,7,8,12,13-hexabromo-5,10,15,20- tetraphenylporphyrins, Laurent Jaquinod, Richard G. Khoury, Kalyn M. Shea, and Kevin M. Smith
Unusual axial coordination behavior of nonplanar nickel porphyrins as a result of conformational trapping, SL Jia, J Zhang, NY Nelson, JG Ma, CJ Medforth, KM Smith, and JA Sheluntt
Cross regulation in flyback converters: Solutions, Chuanwen Ji, K. Mark Smith, and Keyue M. Smedley
Synthesis and electrochemical studies of a series of fluorinated dodecaphenylporphyrins, KM Kadish, E Van Caemelbecke, F D'Souza, M Lin, DJ Nurco, CJ Medforth, TP Forsyth, B Krattinger, KM Smith, S Fukuzumi, et al.
If you build it, will they come?, Neil Kestner, Randall Hall, Patrick Limbach, and Leslie Butler
New chemistry of oxophlorins (oxyporphyrins) and their π-radicals, Richard G. Khoury, Laurent Jaquinod, Roberto Paolesse, and Kevin M. Smith
Langmuir film polymerization of 1,22-bis(2-aminophenyl)docosane: A two- dimensional cross-linked polyalkylaniline [3], L. J. Kloeppner and R. S. Duran
1H NMR investigation of the role of intrinsic heme versus protein- induced rhombic perturbations on the electronic structure of low-spin ferrihemoproteins: Effect of heme substituents on heme orientation in myoglobin, Urszula Kolczak, Jon B. Hauksson, Nicolette L. Davis, Usha Pande, Jeffrey S. De Ropp, Kevin C. Langry, Kevin M. Smith, and Gerd N. La Mar
Surface-confined monomers on electrode surfaces. 6. Adsorption and polymerization of 1,6-diisocyanohexane on Au and Pt, Song Lin and Robin L. McCarley
Synthesis of well-defined C60 end-capped poly(ethylene oxide) stars and linear analogues, Jennifer L. Logan, Randolph S. Duran, Daniel Taton, Stephanie Angot, and Yves Gnanou
Synthesis of polymerized N-Undecylenyl-L-aminoacid and N-Undecylenyl-L- peptide derivatives, Javier Macossay, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Period-doubling behavior in frontal polymerization of multifunctional acrylates, Jonathan Masere, Felicia Stewart, Timothy Meehan, and John A. Pojman
New routes toward chemical and photochemical vapor deposition of copper metal, Andrew W. Maverick, Alicia M. James, Hui Fan, Ralph A. Isovitsch, Michael P. Stewart, Ezana Azene, and Zuzanna T. Cygan
Studies of the conformations and dynamics of dodecaphenylporphyrins., CJ Medforth, CM Muzzi, DJ Nurco, KM Smith, J Ma, and JA Shelnutt
Internet resources for mass spectrometry, Kermit K. Murray
Novel dodecaarylporphyrins: Synthesis and dynamic properties, Cinzia M. Muzzi, Craig J. Medforth, Lisa Voss, Mark Cancilla, Carlito Lebrilla, Jian Guo Ma, John A. Shelnutt, and Kevin M. Smith
Synthesis and unusual properties of the first 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octabromo-5,10,15,20-tetraalkylporphyrin, Nora Y. Nelson, Craig J. Medforth, Daniel J. Nurco, Song Ling Jia, John A. Shelnutt, and Kevin M. Smith
Novel products from the bromination reactions of meso tetraalkylporphyrins., NY Nelson, CJ Medforth, RG Khoury, DJ Nurco, and KM Smith
Surface-confined monomers on electrode surfaces. 7. Synthesis of pyrrole-terminated polypropylene imine dendrimers, Charles O. Noble IV and Robin L. McCarley
NMR, EPR, and crystallographic studies of paramagnetic non-planar porphyrinate complexes of high- and low-spin iron(III)., H Ogura, FA Walker, J Fajer, CJ Medforth, and KM Smith
5,10,15-Triphenylcorrole: A product from a modified Rothemund reaction, Roberto Paolesse, Laurent Jaquinod, Daniel J. Nurco, Sonia Mini, Francesco Sagone, Tristano Boschi, and Kevin M. Smith
Bis-vinylogous corrole: The first expanded corrole, Roberto Paolesse, Richard G. Khoury, Fabio Della Sala, Corrado Di Natale, Francesco Sagone, and Kevin M. Smith
Photophysical Behaviour of Corrole and its Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Dyads, Roberto Paolesse, Francesco Sagone, Antonella Macagnano, Tristano Boschi, Luca Prodi, Marco Montalti, Nelsi Zaccheroni, Fabrizio Bolletta, and Kevin M. Smith
Self organization in synthetic polymeric systems, John A. Pojman
Spin state and ligand dissociation in [CpCol2] complexes (L = Ph3, H2C=CH2): A computational study, Rinaldo Poli and Kevin M. Smith
Is peritoneal dialysis a good option for black patients?, D S. Raj, J Roscoe, A Manuel, K Abreo, S S. Dominic, and J Work
Complete isomer-specific 1H and 13C NMR assignments of the heme resonances of rat liver outer mitochondrial membrane cytochrome b5, Mario Rivera, Feng Qiu, Richard A. Bunce, and Ruth E. Stark
A racemic strigol analogue at 100 K, Joseph K. Rugutt, Frank R. Fronczek, Houphouet H. Yarabe, Shahab A. Shamsi, Charles W. Henry, Eugene J. Billiot, and Isiah M. Warner
NMR and molecular mechanics study of pyrethrins I and II, Joseph K. Rugutt, Charles W. Henry, Scott G. Franzblau, and Isiah M. Warner
Aromatic Character of Tria- and Pentafulvene and Their Exocyclic Si, Ge, and Sn Derivatives. An ab initio Study, Svein AND Stroble Saebø Sara AND Collier, Willard AND Ethridge, Russell AND Wilson, Zakiya AND Tahai, Mariam AND Pittman, Charles U.
Synthesis, Reactivity and Structural Chemistry of 5,10,15,20-Tetraalkylporphyrins, Mathias O. Senge, Ines Bischoff, Nora Y. Nelson, and Kevin M. Smith
Flavin mononucleotide for indirect laser-induced fluorescence detection of anions separated by capillary electrophoresis, Shahab A. Shamsi, Neil D. Danielson, and Isiah M. Warner
Polymerization of monolayers of 3-substituted pyrroles, W. M. Sigmund, G. Weerasekera, C. Marestin, S. Styron, H. Zhou, M. Z. Elsabee, J. Rühe, G. Wegner, and R. S. Duran
Solid-state Al-27 NMR spectroscopy of methylaluminoxane., LS Simeral, PL Bryant, AA Mrse, EF Emery, and LG Butler
Syntheses and structure of oligomeric porphyrin arrays., KM Smith
A new PWM controller with one-cycle response, K. Mark Smith, Zheren Lai, and Keyue M. Smedley
Properties and synthesis of passive lossless soft-switching PWM converters, K. Mark Smith and Keyue Ma Smedley
Reduction of meso-tetraarylporphyrins: New methodology., Somma, F Denat, L Jaquinod, and KM Smith
Evidence for unusually strong intramolecular hydrogen bonding in highly nonplanar porphyrins, Maria S. Somma, Craig J. Medforth, Nora Y. Nelson, Marilyn M. Olmstead, Richard G. Khoury, and Kevin M. Smith
Structural studies of 5,10,15,20-tetraalkylporphyrins., Somma, CJ Medforth, MM Olmstead, and KM Smith
A comparison of flexible and constrained haptens in eliciting antibody catalysts for paraoxon hydrolysis, David A. Spivak, Timothy Z. Hoffman, Alisa H. Moore, Matthew J. Taylor, and Kim D. Janda
Molecular imprinting of carboxylic acids employing novel functional macroporous polymers, David Spivak and Kenneth J. Shea
Separation and identification of chiral N-acylcalix[4]arene amino acid derivatives by use of reversed-phase HPLC, S. J. Thibodeaux, M. Sañchez Peña, Y. Zhang, S. A. Shamsi, and I. M. Warner
A New Method for Evaluating the Conformations and Normal Modes of Macromolecule Vibrations with a Reduced Force Field. 2. Application to Nonplanar Distorted Metal Porphyrins, Esko Unger, Michael Beck, Robert J. Lipski, Wolfgang Dreybrodt, Craig J. Medforth, Kevin M. Smith, and Reinhard Schweitzer-Stenner
Pericyclic reactions of metallo-pyrroloporphyrins., MGH Vicente, L Jaquinod, AY Madrona, RG Khoury, and KM Smith
Synthesis and chemistry of new benzoporphyrins, M. Graça H. Vicente, Laurent Jaquinod, Richard G. Khoury, Acacia Y. Madrona, and Kevin M. Smith
Synthesis and chemistry of new benzoporphyrins, M. Graça H. Vicente, Laurent Jaquinod, Richard G. Khoury, Acacia Y. Madrona, and Kevin M. Smith
Oligomeric porphyrin arrays, M. Graça H. Vicente, Laurent Jaquinod, and Kevin M. Smith
Oligomeric porphyrin arrays, M. Graça H. Vicente, Laurent Jaquinod, and Kevin M. Smith
Polymerization coupled to oscillating reactions: (1) A mechanistic investigation of acrylonitrile polymerization in the Belousov - Zhabotinsky reaction in a batch reactor, Randy P. Washington, William W. West, Gauri P. Misra, and John A. Pojman
Characterization and thermodynamic studies of the interactions of two chiral polymeric surfactants with model substances: Phenylthiohydantoin amino acids, H. Hyacinthe Yarabe, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner
Submissions from 1998
Multiconformational surfaces in porphyrins: Previews into excited-state landscapes, K. M. Barkigia, D. J. Nurco, M. W. Renner, D. Melamed, K. M. Smith, and J. Fajer
Langmuir film polymerization to form a soluble poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV) precursor polymer, J. H. Batten and R. S. Duran
Toward the synthesis of a copper (II) ion sensing polymer, J. H. Batten, I. Li, and R. S. Duran
Magnetic field orientation of liquid crystalline epoxy thermosets, Brian C. Benicewicz, Mark E. Smith, Jim D. Earls, Ralph D. Priester, Stefan M. Setz, Randolph S. Duran, and Elliot P. Douglas
Alcohol-assisted growth of copper CVD films, Narendra S. Borgharkar, Gregory L. Griffin, Alicia James, and Andrew W. Maverick
Solution 1H NMR study of the electronic structure and magnetic properties of high-spin ferrous or deoxy myoglobins, Catherine M. Bougault, Yi Dou, Masao Ikeda-Saito, Kevin C. Langry, Kevin M. Smith, and Gerd N. La Mar
Some aspects of data processing for an optical absorption experiment in a pulsed 1000-tesla magnet, Leslie G. Butler, Andrew W. Maverick, Cenobio H. Gallegos, Jeffrey D. Goettee, Bruce R. Marshall, C. Maxwell Fowler, Dwight G. Rickel, Joseph M. Gonzales, and Leonard J. Tabaka
Some aspects of data processing for an optical absorption experiment in a pulsed 1000-tesla magnet, L.G. Butler, A.W. Maverick, C.H. Gallegos, J.D. Goettee, B.R. Marshall, C.M. Fowler, D.G. Rickel, J.M. Gonzales, and L.J. Tabaka
Mid-infrared matrix assisted laser desorption ionization with a water/glycerol matrix, Kathleen L. Caldwell and Kermit K. Murray
Bubble-free initiators for high temperature free-radical polymerization, Yuri Chekanov, John A. Pojman, and Jerald K. Rasmussen
Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of Monometallo-, Bimetallo-, and Heterobimetallo-l,2-Ethene-Linked Cofacial Bisporphyrins, Todd E. Clement, Daniel J. Nurco, and Kevin M. Smith
Facile synthesis of a bis-linked dioxocyclam porphyrin, Caroline Comte, Claude P. Gros, Roger Guilard, Richard G. Khoury, and Kevin M. Smith
Synthesis and characterization of a novel series of bis-linked diaza-18-crown-6 porphyrins, Caroline Comte, Claude P. Gros, Sylvain Koeller, Roger Guilard, Daniel J. Nurco, and Kevin M. Smith
Structural characterization of a fulvic acid and a humic acid using solid-state ramp-CP-MAS 13C nuclear magnetic resonance, Robert L. Cook and Cooper H. Langford
Effect of sodium perchlorate on the binding of 2-(4′-aminophenyl)- and 2-(4′-(N,N′-dimethylamino)phenyl)benzothiazole with β-cyclodextrin in aqueous solution, Joykrishna Dey, Eric L. Roberts, and Isiah M. Warner