
Submissions from 2001

Chemical Foundations for Plastic-Based Microdevices: Chemically Modified Poly(methyl Methacrylate) and Poly(carbonate) Substrates Used in the Fabrication of Microanalytical Devices, Robin L. McCarley, Alyssa C. Henry, Alison Smith, Bikas Vaidya, Michelle Galloway, Yun Wang, and Steven A. Soper

MALDI-MS evaluation of poly(3-hexylthiophene) synthesized by chemical oxidation with FeCl3, T. D. McCarley, C. O. Noble, C. J. DuBois, and R. L. McCarley

Fluorescence anisotropy as a measure of chiral recognition, M. E. McCarroll, H. F. Billiot, and I. M. Warner


Near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) studies of the relationship between interchain interactions, morphology, photodamage, and energy transport in conjugated polymer films, Thuc Quyen Nguyen, Benjamin J. Schwartz, Richard D. Schaller, Justin C. Johnson, Lynn F. Lee, Louis H. Haber, and Richard J. Saykally

Molecular structures and magnetic resonance spectroscopic investigations of highly distorted six-coordinate low-spin iron(III) porphyrinate complexes, H. Ogura, L. Yatsunyk, C. J. Medforth, K. M. Smith, K. M. Barkigia, M. W. Renner, D. Melamed, and F. A. Walker

Synchrotron X-ray microtomography, X-ray absorption near edge structure, extended X-ray absorption fine structure, and voxel imaging of a cobalt-zeolite-Y complex, John Wesley Owens, Leslie G. Butler, Catrina Dupard-Julien, and Kelvin Garner

On-line monitoring of electroosmotic flow for capillary electrophoretic separations, J. L. Pittman, K. F. Schrum, and S. D. Gilman

Effective interfacial tension induced convection (EITIC) in miscible fluids, John A. Pojman, Yuri Chekanov, Jonathan Masere, Vitaly Volpert, Thierry Dumont, and Hermann Wilke

Conformational and electronic effects of phenyl-ring fluorination on the photophysical properties of nonplanar dodecaarylporphyrins, Jennifer L. Retsek, Craig J. Medforth, Daniel J. Nurco, Steve Gentemann, Vladimir S. Chirvony, Kevin M. Smith, and Dewey Holten

Electrochemical and infrared analysis of alkoxyaniline derivative monolayers on gold, K. Cory Schomburg and Robin L. McCarley

Surface-confined monomers on electrode surfaces. 10. Electrochemical and infrared spectroscopic characteristics of aniline-terminated alkanethiol monolayers on Au electrochemically treated in aqueous solution, K. Cory Schomburg and Robin L. McCarley

Surface-confined monomers on electrode surfaces. 11. Electrochemical and infrared spectroscopic characteristics of aniline-terminated alkanethiol monolayers on Au electrochemically treated in nonaqueous media, K. Cory Schomburg and Robin L. McCarley

Molecular micelles: Novel pseudostationary phases for CE, S. A. Shamsi, Christopher P. Palmer, and Isiah M. Warner

Fabrication of Modular Microsystems for Analyzing K-ras Mutations Using LDR, Steven A. Soper, Michael C. Murphy, Robin L. McCarley, Dimitris Nikitopoulos, Xuezhu Liu, Bikas Vaidya, James Barrow, Yannick Bejat, Sean M. Ford, and Jost Goettert

Systematic study of steric and spatial contributions to molecular recognition by non-covalent imprinted polymers, D. A. Spivak and J. Campbell

Investigation into the scope and limitations of molecular imprinting with DNA molecules, David A. Spivak and Kenneth J. Shea

Development of an aspartic acid-based cross-linking monomer for improved bioseparations, David A. Spivak and Martha Sibrian-Vazquez

Polytetrahydrofuran cross-linked polystyrene resins for solid-phase organic synthesis, Patrick H. Toy, Thomas S. Reger, Patrick Garibay, Jayne C. Garno, J. A. Malikayil, Gang Yu Liu, and Kim D. Janda

Porphyrin-based sensitizers in the detection and treatment of cancer: recent progress., M. G. Vicente

First structural characterization of a covalently bonded porphyrin-carborane system, M. G.H. Vicente, D. J. Nurco, S. J. Shetty, C. J. Medforth, and K. M. Smith

First structural characterization of a covalently bonded porphyrin-carborane system, M. G.H. Vicente, D. J. Nurco, S. J. Shetty, C. J. Medforth, and K. M. Smith

Contact resonance imaging - A simple approach to improve the resolution of AFM for biological and polymeric materials, Kapila Wadu-Mesthrige, Nabil A. Amro, Jayne C. Garno, Sylvain Cruchon-Dupeyrat, and Gang Yu Liu


Fabrication of nanometer-sized protein patterns using atomic force microscopy and selective immobilization, Kapila Wadu-Mesthrige, Nabil A. Amro, Jayne C. Garno, Song Xu, and Gang Yu Liu

β,β′-Fused metallocenoporphyrins, Hong J.H. Wang, Laurent Jaquinod, Daniel J. Nurco, M. Graça H. Vicente, and Kevin M. Smith

β,β′-Fused metallocenoporphyrins, Hong J.H. Wang, Laurent Jaquinod, Daniel J. Nurco, M. Graça H. Vicente, and Kevin M. Smith

Investigations on the directive effects of a single meso-substituent via nitration of 5,12,13,17,18-pentasubstituted porphyrins: Syntheses of conjugated β-nitroporphyrins, Anura Wickramasinghe, Laurent Jaquinod, Daniel J. Nurco, and Kevin M. Smith

Meso- and microscopic behavior of spherical polymer particles assembling at the air-water interface, Elizabeth Wolert, Stefan M. Setz, Royale S. Underhill, Randolph S. Duran, Michel Schappacher, Alan Deffieux, Matthias Hölderle, and Rolf Mülhaupt

Submissions from 2000

Optimizing enantioseparation of phenylthiohydantoin amino acids with polymerized sodium N-undecanoyl L-valinate in chiral electrokinetic chromatography, Kimberly A. Agnew-Heard, Shahab A. Shamsi, and Isiah M. Warner

Nanocomposites by electrostatic interactions: 1. Impact of sublayer quality on the organization of functionalized nanoparticles on charged self-assembled layers, Frank Auer, Michael Scotti, Abraham Ulman, Rainer Jordan, Börje Sellergren, Jayne Garno, and Gang Yu Liu

Oxygen activation by axial ligand mutants of mitochondrial cytochrome b5: Oxidation of heme to verdoheme and biliverdin [14], Ludivina Avila, Hong Wei Huang, Juan C. Rodríguez, Pierre Moënne-Loccoz, and Mario Rivera

Examination of structural changes of polymeric amino acid-based surfactants on enantioselectivity: Effect of amino acid order, steric factors, and number and position of chiral centers, Eugene Billiot and Isiah M. Warner

Iron and cobalt ethylene polymerization catalysts bearing 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl ligands: Synthesis, structures, and polymerization studies, G. J.P. Britovsek, M. Bruce, V. C. Gibson, B. S. Kimberley, P. J. Maddox, S. Mastroianni, S. J. McTavish, C. Redshaw, G. A. Solan, S. Strömberg, et al.

27Al field-swept and frequency-stepped NMR for sites with large quadrupole coupling constants, Pamela L. Bryant, Leslie G. Butler, Arneil P. Reyes, and Philip Kuhns

Synchrotron x-ray microtomography, electron probe microanalysis and NMR of toluene waste in cement, Leslie G. Butler, John W. Owens, Frank K. Cartledge, Betsy A. Dowd, Gary R. Byerly, and Richard L. Kurtz


Synchrotron X-ray microtomography, electron probe microanalysis, and NMR of toluene waste in cement, Leslie G. Butler, John W. Owens, Frank K. Cartledge, Richard L. Kurtz, Gary R. Byerly, Andrew J. Wales, Pamela L. Bryant, Earl F. Emery, Betsy Dowd, and Xiaogang Xie

Environmental chemistry at a synchrotron: Tomography and fluorescence spectroscopy profiling., LG Butler, FK Cartledge, EF Emery, BS Crannell, and TT Eighmy


A density functional study of open-shell cyclopentadienyl-molybdenum(II) complexes. A comparison of stabilizing factors: Spin-pairing, Mo-X π bonding, and release of steric pressure, Ivo Cacelli, Rinaldo Poli, Elsje Alessandra Quadrelli, Antonio Rizzo, and Kevin M. Smith


Synthesis and characterization of [Mo(μ-EPh)(CO)3(CH3CN)]2 (E = Se, Te), including the X-ray structure of the tellurium derivative, James Carey, James C. Fettinger, Rinaldo Poli, and Kevin M. Smith

Preparation of functionally gradient materials via frontal polymerization, Yuri A. Chekanov and John A. Pojman

A grazing incidence surface X-ray absorption fine structure (GIXAFS) study of alkanethiols adsorbed on Au, Ag, and Cu, Pierre N. Floriano, Olaf Schlieben, Edward E. Doomes, Ingo Klein, J. Janssen, Josef Hormes, E. D. Poliakoff, and Robin L. McCarley

An electrooptic effect from liquid crystal monolayers, Gerd Forstmann, Tim Herod, Jie Wu, Randolph Duran, and Diethelm Johannsmann

Solvent-Free Synthesis of Polyacrylamide by Frontal Polymerization, Dionne I. Fortenberry and John A. Pojman

First International Conference on Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines (ICPP-1), R. Guilard, K. M. Kadish, M. J. Cook, J. Sessler, K. M. Smith, and D. Wohrle

Calculated EFG tensors for amido- and imidoalanes as models for MAO., RW Hall, CR Harwell, PL Bryant, AA Mrse, LS Simeral, and LG Butler

Chiral separation with dipeptide-terminated polymeric surfactants: The effect of an extra heteroatom on the polar head group, Judson L. Haynes, Eugene J. Billiot, Hyacinthe H. Yarabe, Isiah M. Warner, and Shahab A. Shamsi

Surface modification of poly(methyl methacrylate) used in the fabrication of microanalytical devices, A. C. Henry, T. J. Tutt, M. Galloway, Y. Y. Davidson, C. S. McWhorter, S. A. Soper, and R. L. McCarley

Photoredox reactions of oxomolybdenum(V) with phosphines, Ralph A. Isovitsch, Jerome G. May, Frank R. Fronczek, and Andrew W. Maverick

Cr(NAr)(O)(NPr(i)2)(Ar): A strongly-bent monoimido complex resulting from nitrosyl ligand cleavage, E. W. Jandciu, P. Legzdins, W. S. McNeil, B. O. Patrick, and K. M. Smith

Surface behavior and polymerization of 2- and 3-(l-octadecynyl)aniline at the air-aqueous interface, L. J. Kloeppner, J. H. Batten, and R. S. Duran

Continuous flow infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization with a solvent matrix, Steven J. Lawson and Kermit K. Murray

Gas-free initiators for high-temperature free-radical polymerization, Jonathan Masere, Yuri Chekanov, James R. Warren, Felicia D. Stewart, Rabih Al-Kaysi, Jerald K. Rasmussen, and John A. Pojman

Evidence for a low-lying triplet excited state in octachlorodirhenate(III): Breaking bonds in high magnetic fields., AW Maverick, LG Butler, JF DiTusa, JL Eglin, CH Gallegos, JD Goettee, BR Marshall, CM Fowler, DG Rickel, JM Gonzales, et al.

Analysis of redox-active polymers by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry: Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and functionalized dendrimers, Tracy D. McCarley, C. J. DuBois, Robin L. McCarley, Claudia M. Cardona, and Angel E. Kaifer

The polymer-supported MacDonald-type porphyrin synthesis: Coupling of two dissimilar dipyrromethanes, J. M. Montierth, A. G. Duran, S. H. Leung, K. M. Smith, and N. E. Schore

Synthesis and characterization of a chiral nonplanar porphyrin, Cinzia M. Muzzi, Craig J. Medforth, Kevin M. Smith, Song Ling Jia, and John A. Shelnutt

Pyrrole-terminated diaminobutane (DAB) dendrimer monolayers on gold: Oligomerization of peripheral groups and adhesion promotion of poly(pyrrole) films [16], Charles O. Noble IV and Robin L. McCarley

Molecular fluorescence, phosphorescence, and chemiluminescence spectrometry, Philip B. Oldham, Matthew E. McCarroll, Linda B. McGown, and Isiah M. Warner

β-fused oligoporphyrins: A novel approach to a new type of extended aromatic system, R. Paolesse, P. Lugli, K. M. Smith, L. Jaquinod, F. Della Sala, D. J. Nurco, L. Prodi, M. Montalti, C. Di Natale, A. D'Amico, et al.

Nonlinear chemical dynamics in synthetic polymeric systems: Motivations and strategies for success, J. A. Pojman

Bubble behavior and convection in frontal polymerization on the KC-135 aircraft, John A. Pojman, Vitaly Volpert, Thierry Dumont, William Ainsworth, Yuri Chekanov, Jonathan Masere, and Hermann Wilke


Theoretical studies of the reactivity of cyclopentadienyl nitrosyl alkyl species of molybdenum and tungsten, Rinaldo Poli and Kevin M. Smith

Mechanistic aspects of ethylene polymerization by iron(II)-bisimine pyridine catalysts: A combined density functional theory and molecular mechanics study, R. Poli, K. M. Smith, and T. Ziegler

Zeolite-coated optical microfibers for intrazeolite photocatalysis studied by in situ solid-state NMR, Ajit R. Pradhan, Megan A. Macnaughtan, and Daniel Raftery

Investigation of environmental photocatalysis by solid-state NMR spectroscopy, D. Raftery, S. Pilkenton, C. V. Rice, A. Pradhan, M. Macnaughtan, S. Klosek, and T. Hou

Photoinduced evolution on the conformational landscape of nonplanar dodecaphenylporphyrin: Picosecond relaxation dynamics in the1(π,π*) excited state, Jennifer L. Retsek, Steve Gentemann, Craig J. Medforth, Kevin M. Smith, Vladimir S. Chirvony, Jack Fajer, and Dewey Holten

NMR study of the interaction of monomeric and polymeric chiral surfactants with (R)- and (S)-1,1′-binaphthyl-2,2′-diyl hydrogen phosphate, Joseph K. Rugutt, Eugene Billiot, and Isiah M. Warner

GR 24 enantiomers: Synthesis, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and separation by chiral electrokinetic capillary chromatography, Joseph K. Rugutt, H. Hyacinthe Yarabe, Shahab A. Shamsi, Damon R. Billodeaux, Frank R. Fronczek, and Islah M. Warner

Monitoring electroosmotic flow by periodic photobleaching of a dilute, neutral fluorophore, Kimberley F. Schrum, Joseph M. Lancaster, Stephen E. Johnston, and S. Douglass Gilman

The MRCAT insertion device beamline at the advanced photon source, C. U. Segre, N. E. Leyarovska, L. D. Chapman, W. M. Lavender, P. W. Plag, A. S. King, A. J. Kropf, B. A. Bunker, K. M. Kemner, P. Dutta, et al.

Functionalization of 2,3-disubstituted-2,3-dihydro-5,10,15,20- tetraphenylporphyrins, Kalyn M. Shea, Laurent Jaquinod, Richard G. Khoury, and Kevin M. Smith

Infrared matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization using a frozen alcohol matrix [1], Jay D. Sheffer and Kermit K. Murray

Synthesis of the 6,7-bis[2-methoxycarbonyl(1,1-dideutero)ethyl] derivative of protoporphyrin IX dimethyl ester, Young Key Shim, Ravindra K. Pandey, and Kevin M. Smith

Proton magnetic resonance determination of the axial ligand plane orientation in nitrophorins., TK Shokhireva, KM Smith, and FA Walker

Hemin is kinetically trapped in cytochrome b5 from rat outer mitochondrial membrane, Svetlana Silchenko, Michelle L. Sippel, Olga Kuchment, David R. Benson, A. Grant Mauk, Adriana Altuve, and Mario Rivera

Coplanar conjugated β-nitroporphyrins and some aspects of nitration of porphyrins with N2O4, Olivier Siri, Laurent Jaquinod, and Kevin M. Smith

Effects of π-bonding on stability and reactivity in CpCr(NO)] complexes, Kevin M. Smith, W. Stephen McNeil, and Peter Legzdins


Ligand dissociation accelerated by spin state change: Locating the minimum energy crossing point for phosphine exchange in CpMoCl2(PR3)2 complexes, Kevin M. Smith, Rinaldo Poli, and Jeremy N. Harvey

Syntheses and chemistry of porphyrins, K. M. Smith

Lossless passive soft-switching methods for inverters and amplifiers, K. Mark Smith and Keyue Ma Smedley

First H-1 NMR detection of the monocation of a simple porphyrin., Somma, CJ Medforth, CM Muzzi, KM Smith, and JA Shelnutt

Polymeric microelectromechanical systems, S. A. Soper, S. M. Ford, S. Qi, R. L. McCarley, K. Kelly, and M. C. Murphy


Effect of interfacial tension on propagating polymerization fronts, R. Texier-Picard, J. A. Pojman, and Vit A. Volpert

Capillary electrochromatography of cholesterol and its ester derivatives, Serigne Thiam, Shahab A. Shamsi, Charles Williams Henry, James W. Robinson, and Isiah M. Warner

Synthesis and stabilization of stibine for low-temperature chemical vapor deposition of carbon-free antimony films, M. A. Todd, G. Bandari, T. H. Baum, and A. W. Maverick

Characterization of a composite photocatalyst, Elena Vaisman, Robert L. Cook, and Cooper H. Langford

Syntheses of carbon-carbon linked carboranylated porphyrins for boron neutron capture therapy of cancer, M. Graça H. Vicente, Shankar J. Shetty, Anura Wickramasinghe, and Kevin M. Smith

Syntheses of carbon-carbon linked carboranylated porphyrins for boron neutron capture therapy of cancer, M. Graça H. Vicente, Shankar J. Shetty, Anura Wickramasinghe, and Kevin M. Smith

Porphyrins and derivatives: Synthetic strategies and reactivity profiles, M. Graça H. Vicente and Kevin M. Smith

Porphyrins and derivatives: Synthetic strategies and reactivity profiles, M. Graça H. Vicente and Kevin M. Smith

High-resolution near-infrared imaging of DNA microarrays with time-resolved acquisition of fluorescence lifetimes, E. Waddell, Y. Wang, W. Stryjewski, S. McWhorter, A. C. Henry, D. Evans, R. L. McCarley, and S. A. Soper

Studies on Pseudomonas aeruginosa cd1 nitrite reductase: The association and dissociation reactions of the d1-heme, Emma K. Wilson, Andrea Bellelli, Marzia Arese, Francesca Cutruzzolà, Maurizio Brunori, Katsuhiro Aoyagi, and Kevin M. Smith

Ferredoxin-mediated electrocatalytic dehalogenation of haloalkanes by cytochrome P450(cam), Marc Wirtz, Josef Klucik, and Mario Rivera

Modulation of redox potential in electron transfer proteins: Effects of complex formation on the active site microenvironment of cytochrome b5, Marc Wirtz, Vaheh Oganesyan, Xuejun Zhang, Joe Studer, and Mario Rivera

Enantiomeric separations by use of polymeric surfactant electrokinetic chromatography, H. Hyacinthe Yarabe, Eugene Billiot, and Isiah M. Warner

Capillary electrophoretic separation of binaphthyl enantiomers with two polymeric chiral surfactants: 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance and fluorescence spectroscopy study, H. Hyacinthe Yarabe, Joseph K. Rugutt, Matthew E. McCarroll, and Isiah M. Warner

Chlorin-based symmetrical and unsymmetrical dimers with amide linkages: Effect of the substituents on photodynamic and photophysical properties, Gang Zheng, Mohammad Aoudia, David Lee, Michael A. Rodgers, Kevin M. Smith, Thomas J. Dougherty, and Ravindra K. Pandey

Submissions from 1999

Electrokinetic chromatography of twelve monomethylbenz[a]anthracene isomers using a polymerized anionic surfactant, Cevdet Akbay, Isiah M. Warner, and Shahab A. Shamsi

An electrochemical study of the factors responsible for modulating the reduction potential of putidaredoxin, Ludivina Avila, Marc Wirtz, Richard A. Bunce, and Mario Rivera

Electronic effects on the stereoselectivity of epoxidation reactions catalysed by manganese porphyrins, Enrico Baciocchi, Tristano Boschi, Luigi Cassioli, Carlo Galli, Laurent Jaquinod, Andrea Lapi, Roberto Paolesse, Kevin M. Smith, and Pietro Tagliatesta

Structural Consequences of Spin Conversion in a Sterically Encumbered Ni(II) Porphyrin, Kathleen M. Barkigia, Nora Y. Nelson, Mark W. Renner, Kevin M. Smith, and Jack Fajer