Theses from 2005
Fracture behavior of wood plastic composite (WPC), Gi Young Jeong
Detection and evaluation of temperature effects on cell proliferation in somatic tissues of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, by flow cytometry, Fernando Jimenez
Effects of body size on goose behavior: lesser snow goose and Ross's goose, Jon Einar Jonsson
Macroinvertebrate community of ecology of lowland, subtropical streams in Louisiana, Michael Douglas Kaller
Economic valuation of natural resource management: a case study of the Benuaq Dayak tribe in Kalimantan, Indonesia, Indah D. Kusuma
Associations of avian and herpetofauna communities with forest management at multiple spatial scales, Holly Grace LeGrand
Environmental factors influencing incubation constancy and recess frequency in Gadwall (Anas strepera) in the prairie pothole region of North Dakota, Nicole F. Lorenz
Effect of estradiol-17B on the gonadal developemnt of diploid and triploid female eastern oysters, Roberto Quintana
Growth of a slash pine spacing study five years after thinning, Jamie Camille Schexnayder
Temporal and spatial harvest patterns of river otter in Louisiana and its potential use as a bioindicator species of water quality, Daniel Gustavo Scognamillo
Seasonal space use, habitat preference and survival of female wild turkeys in a Louisiana bottomland hardwood forest, Walker Blake Wilson
Long-term freshwater input and sediment load from three tributaries to Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, Kangsheng Wu
Theses from 2004
Comparison of the efficiency of utilization of amino acids from intact protein and amino acids in crystalline form by channel catfish, (Ictaluras punctatus), Amogh Arun Ambardekar
Complexity and nekton use of marsh edge habitats in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Timothy W. Birdsong
Spatial analyses and growth of trees in selected bottomland hardwood stands, Luben D. Dimov
Mortality of pen-raised white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) released on three areas in Louisiana, Barret Keith Fortier
Estimating the population of greater and lesser scaup during winter in off-shore Louisiana, Sean David Kinney
Individual and landscape-level effects of selective herbicides, mowing, and prescribed fire on habitat quality for northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus), Charles Lynn Kitts
Assessing landscape-level impacts of red imported fire ants on native faunal communities in pine-dominated forests, Keri Elizabeth Landry
Study on the termiticidal components of Juniperus virginiana, Chamaecyparis nootkatensis and Chamaecyparis lawsoniana, Yaojian Liu
Temperature effects on spawning and fingerling production of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus, Patrice Arnold Pawiroredjo
Evaluation of growth, production and cold tolerance of four varieties of tilapia, Patricio Enrique Paz
Effects of spinning-wing decoys on flock behavior and hunting vulnerability of local and migrant mallards and other ducks in Minnesota, Michael L. Szymanski
Modeling longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill) wood properties using near infrared spectroscopy, Brian Kipling Via
Durability of pine strandboard modified with low molecular weight phenol formaldehyde, Matthew Daniel Voitier
Properties of borate-treated strandboard bonded with pMDI resin, Yiqiang Zhou
Theses from 2003
Experimental predator removal: a response in small mammal communities and relations to duck nest success, Jeremy Paul Adkins
Interaction of fire and insects in the restoration and management of longleaf pine, Tessa Annette Bauman
Nekton utilization of restored habitat in a Louisiana marsh, Christina Samantha Bush
Do terraces and coconut mats affect seeds and submerged aquatic vegetation at Sabine National Wildlife Refuge?, Aaron Bailey Caldwell
Evaluation of repeated removal of mammalian predators on waterfowl nest success and density, Kristen Dawn Chodachek
Macroinvertebrate abundance and distribution of hydrilla and ceratophyllum habitats in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, Jose Checo Colon-Gaud
Local land use on Borneo: applications of indigenous knowledge systems and natural resource utilization among the Benuaq Dayak of Kalimantan, Indonesia, Stacy Marie Crevello
Diet similarity of pen-raised versus native, Louisiana white-tailed deer in southeastern Louisiana, Kristopher Scott Davis
Evaluation of government interventions in Ghana's forest product trade: a post-intervention impact assessment and perceptions of marketing implications, Ben Nathan Donkor
Physicochemical effects on the abundance and distribution of larval fishes in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, Matthew Aaron Engel
Initial characterization of crude extracts from Phyllanthus amarus Schum. and Thonn. and Quassia amara L. using normal phase thin layer chromatography, Vivian Esther Fernand
Establishment of a callus culture and measurement of seasonal changes in secondary compound production in Eucommia ulmoides Oliver, Erica Deshay Gray
Fine-scaled movements and habitat use of black bears in south central Louisiana, Dwayne Allen Hightower
Effects of selective herbicide application on vegetation and invertebrates for northern bobwhite, and small mammal communities within managed pine forests, Judy Diane James Jones
Role of eIntermediaries in the United States paper supply chain, Sanna Maria Kallioranta
Nekton use and growth in three brackish marsh pond microhabitats, Sarai C. Kanouse
Fundamental properties of borate-modified oriented strandboard manufactured from southern wood species, Sunyoung Lee
Chemical coupling in wood-polymer composites, Ziqiang Lu
Habitat assessment and subspecies identification of Sandhill Cranes wintering in Louisiana, Joseph Michael McGowan
A mid-rotation bottomland red oak stand three years after thinning and fertilization, Alexander J. Michalek
Salinity tolerance of juveniles of four varieties of tilapia, Robert Welsh Nugon
Wood laminated composite poles, Cheng Piao
Feasibility of restoring the Louisiana black bear (Ursus americanus luteolus) to portions of their former range, Kyle Ryan Van Why
Ultrasonic characterization of engineering performance of oriented strandboard, Ronnie Yunheu Vun
Developing landscape-scaled habitat selection functions for forest wildlife from Landsat data: judging black bear habitat quality in Louisiana, Robert Owen Wagner
From gamete collection to database development: development of a model cryopreserved germplasm repository for aquatic species with emphasis on sturgeon, William Rittenhouse Wayman
Estimation of waterfowl food abundance in coastal freshwater marshes of Louisiana and Texas, Christian Jesse Winslow
Theses from 2002
Characteristic avifauna of white-sand forests in Northern Peruvian Amazonia, Jose Alvarez Alonso
Nutrient reserves of lesser scaup during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway: a test of the spring condition hypothesis, Michael J. Anteau
Effects of feeding strategies on growth of Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus) in closed recirculating systems, Derek R. Groat
Induction of tetraploidy in zebrafish Danio rerio and Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, Eric Christopher Herbst
Patterns of female nest attendance in northern pintails and mallards, Andrea Kim Hoover
Modeling canopy structure effects on loblolly pine growth, Mauricio Jerez Rico
Technical feasibility of flakeboard production from recycled CCA-treated wood, Wei Li
The influence of hydrilla infestation and drawdown on the food habits and growth of age-0 largemouth bass in the Atchafalaya River Basin, Louisiana, Torrance D. Mason
Effects of repeat sampling in the U.S. Waterfowl Parts Collection Survey, Jesse G. Oetgen
Water discharge models, seasonal effluent mass loading, and best management practices for crawfish ponds, Landon David Parr
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) in fishes, German Antonio Poleo
Northern pintail nest site selection, nest success, renesting ecology and survival in the intensively farmed prairies of southern Saskatchewan: an evaluation of the ecological trap hypothesis, Kenneth Daniel Richkus
Refrigerated storage and cryopreservation of sperm for the production of red snapper and snapper hybrids, Kenneth Lee Pickrell Riley
Hybridization of Lepomid sunfishes by use of cryopreservation, C. Brian Whaley
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Molecular Systematics of Eastern Cottonwood Using AFLP and RAPD Markers., Xiaohong Ma
Evaluating the Taxonomic Status of the Great White Heron (Ardea Herodias Occidentalis) Using Morphological, Behavioral and Genetic Evidence., Heather Louise Mcguire
Diets of Wild Versus Released, and Pen-Raised White-Tailed Deer in Southeastern Louisiana, Richard James Meyers
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Diversity and Spatial Analysis of Passerine Birds in Relation to Habitat Characteristics of Woods Along the Northern Coast of the Gulf of Mexico., Jose Luis Alcantara
Habitat Influences on Nongame Bird Nest Success in a Managed and Fragmented Southern Pine Forest., Michael Darren Baker
The Relationship of Biomass Allocation and Nutrient Dynamics in Loblolly and Slash Pine Forests., Christopher Ashley Dicus
The Breeding Ecology of White-Faced Ibis in the Lower Carson River Basin, Nevada, Eric Patrick Kelchlin
Effects of Cobalt-60 Gamma Irradiation on the Malaysian Prawn Macrobrachium Rosenbergii., Nyanti Lee
Evaluating Productivity, Nesting Success, and Conservation of Thick -Billed Parrots., Tiberio Cesar Monterrubio rico
Effects of a Low -Protein Diet Supplemented With Coated and Uncoated Methionine on Methionine Metabolism in the Tilapia Oreochromis Niloticus., Manuel Alberto Segovia-quintero
Mapping Quantitative Trait Loci Controlling the Early Height Growth of Longleaf Pine and Slash Pine., Changren Weng
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Effects of Winter Burning and Structural Marsh Management on Bird and Plant Communities of the Gulf Coast Chenier Plain., Steven Walter Gabrey
Experimental Mammalian Predator Removal and Other Factors Affecting Dabbling Duck Reproduction in North Dakota., Pamela Renee Garrettson
Systematics, Ecology, and Social Biology of the Musk Duck (Biziura Lobata) of Australia., Kevin Grant Mccracken
Cryopreservation of Gametes and Larvae of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea Virginica., Carmen G. Paniagua-chavez
Diets of White-Tailed Deer at Avery Island, Louisiana, Nathan D. Rains
Survival, Behavior, and Movements of Captive -Reared Mallards Released in Dorchester County, Maryland., David Benjamin Smith
Diet Overlap of Native and Translocated Northern White-Tailed Deer in Southeastern Louisiana, Brian Matthew Zielinski
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
An Analytical Approach to a Tree-Farm Wetland Study., Robert Cunninghame Davidge
Effect of Recycled Fiber, Compatibilizer and Pre-Formed Fiber Handsheet on the Performance of Wood-Polyolefin Composites., Chin-yin S. Hwang
Sustainable Resources Utilization and Implications for Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Case Study of Cote D'Ivoire., Ahile Nicolas Koudou
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
Evaluation of Sampling Gear for Predicting Harvest Size, Yield and Incidence of Stunting in Crawfish Ponds., Jimmy Lee Avery
Production of Transgenic Channel Catfish., Mark Christian Bates
Vegetation, Soils, and Hydrology of Central Louisiana Bottomland Hardwood Forest Types., William Brown Patterson
The Recycling Potential of Out-Of-Service Utility Poles for Engineered Wood Products., Han Roliadi