Theses from 2017
Habitat Selection, Survival, and Movement Ecology of the American Woodcock (Scolopax minor) in Louisiana USA, Elisa Constancia Elizondo
Condition of Birds in Amazonian Rainforest Fragments and Second-Growth Forests, Angelica Maria Hernandez Palma
Branch and Stem Growth as Affected by Loss of Leaf Area on Selected Branches in Loblolly Pine, Shannon Dumo Kidombo
The Impact of CO2-related Ocean Acidification on the Molecular Regulation of Shell Development in the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)., Mackenzie L. Richards
Evaluation of Reproductive Phenology and Ecology of Eastern Wild Turkey (Meleagris Gallopavo Silvestris) in South Carolina, Patrick Wightman
Multigeneration Effects of Chronic Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis), Andrea Yammine
Dissertations from 2016
Ecological-Hydrological Feedback in Forested Wetlands, Scott Thomas Allen
Eastern Oyster Physiological Responses to Acute and Chronic Exposure to Suspended Sediments, Stephanie Bernasconi
Evaluating Survival of Released Ranched American Alligator in Coastal Louisiana, Kristy Durham Capelle
Efficacy and Feasibility of Alginate Bait for the Louisiana Commercial Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Fishery, ElizaBeth Lorraine Clowes
Immune Gene Variation and Susceptibility to Upper Respiratory Tract Disease in Gopher Tortoises, Jean Pierre Elbers
Relative Resistance to Breaking of Pinus taeda L. and Pinus palustris, Cory Glenn Garms
Temporal Dynamics of Benthic Responses to Habitat Disturbance in Coastal Plain Headwaters of Southwestern Louisiana, Catherine Elizabeth Murphy
Infectivity and Physiological Effects of White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in Farmed Louisiana Red Swamp Crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), Barcley Talon Pace
Living on the Edge: An Assessment of the Habitat Use of Waterbirds in Estuarine Wetlands of Barataria Basin, LA, Brett Ashley Patton
Vegetation Influences Microbial Community Structure and Methane Emissions in Southeastern Louisiana Wetlands, Anthony Jason Rietl
Application of Biomass Derived Materials in Nanocomposites and Drilling Fluids, Kunlin Song
Bioassimilation, Burial, and Sediment Denitrification at Shallow-water and Deep-water Oyster Reefs in Two Louisiana Estuaries, Phillip Thomas Westbrook
Theses from 2015
Site-specific Habitat and Landscape Associations of Rusty Blackbirds Wintering in Louisiana, Sinead Mary Borchert
Effects of Inbreeding on Endangered Red Wolves (Canis rufus), Kristin E. Brzeski
Metacommunity Dynamics and the Biogeography of Central Louisiana Crayfishes, William Robert Budnick
Factors Influencing Mottled Duck Nest Success on the Atchafalaya River Delta, Brendan Caillouet
Forest Stakeholders, Policies and Trade in India's Forest Sector, Joy Das
Hydrological Influences on Catahoula Lake in an Altered Floodplain, Lincoln Dugue
Wading Bird Food Availability in Rice Fields and Crawfish Ponds of the Chenier Plain of Southwest Louisiana and Southeast Texas, Cullen C. Foley
Hybridization and Population Structure of Western Gulf Coast Mottled Ducks, Robert Joseph Ford
Microtopographic Ecohydrology of a Forested Wetland in Louisiana, Yu-Hsin Hsueh
Effects of Hydrologic Modifications on Flooding in Bottomland Hardwoods, Erin Johnson
Population Abundance and Transience of Selected Coastal Plain Crayfishes, Samantha Lott
Game Theoretic Analyses of the United States-Canada Softwood Lumber Trade, Rajan Parajuli
Fish Assemblage Response to Environmental Gradients and Altered Dendritic Connectivity in the Red River Basin, Central Louisiana, Catherine Nell Reuter
Analyzing Site Suitability for Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) Regeneration Along a Hydrologic Gradient in South Louisiana Swamps, Marcus Rutherford
If You Build It, What Will Come? Assessing the Avian Response to Wetland Restoration in the Mississippi River Bird’s Foot Delta Through Multiple Measures of Density and Biodiversity, Lauren Rae Sullivan
Cellulose Nanofibers from Energycane Bagasse and Their Applications in Core-Shell Structured Hydrogels, Yiying Yue
Theses from 2014
Development of an alternative bait for the Louisiana commercial blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) fishery, Angelle Nicole Anderson
Effect of Hydrologic, Geomorphic, and Vegetative Conditions on Avian Communities in the Middle Rio Grande of New Mexico, Sarah G. Hamilton
A Contrast of Hunter Characteristics and Attitudes between Random and Convenience Samples in the 2010, 2012, and 2013 Surveys of Louisiana Waterfowl Hunters, Lucien Jr. Paul Laborde
Sediment patterns in relation to vegetative community shifts at Catahoula Lake, Louisiana, Karen Doerr Latuso
Habitat Associations of Lower Mississippi River Floodplain Fishes on St. Catherine Creek National Wildlife Refuge, Alonda McCarty
Effects of Salinity and Temperature on Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis of Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, Shea A. Miller
Species Composition and Spatial Ecology of Amazonian Understory Mixed-Species Flocks in a Fragmented Landscape, Karl Mokross
A Standardized Ultrasonography Classification for Channel Catfish Ovarian Development, Noel D. Novelo
Enhancement of Gulf killifish, Fundulus grandis, fitness and reproduction, Joshua Thomas Patterson
Prevalence of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Diseases, Parasites, and Symbionts in Louisiana, Holly Rogers
Growth and mortality of spat, seed, and market-sized oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in low salinities and high temperatures, Molly Marie Rybovich
History, Nesting Population, Migration, Home Range and Habitats Used by Louisiana Bald Eagles, Nickolas Ryan Smith
Effects of Forest Fragmentation on Central Amazonian Bird Demography, Jared Desmond Wolfe
Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics and Modeling - A Case Study in A Subtropical Shallow Lake, Zhen Xu
Theses from 2013
Effects of predator reduction on nest success of upland nesting ducks in low-grassland density landscapes in eastern North Dakota, Michael Buxton
Bachman's Sparrow (Peucaea aestivalis) population structure across the southeastern USA, Blain Annette Cerame
Evaluating abiotic influences on soil salinity of inland managed wetlands and agricultural fields in a semi-arid environment, Drew Nathan Fowler
Preparation and characterization of cellulose nanoparticles and their application in biopolymeric nanocomposites, Jingquan Han
Population ecology of the ribbed mussel in southeastern Louisiana, Aaron Jacob Honig
Some Effects of Nutrient and Flooding Stress Manipulation on Coastal Louisiana Wetland Vegetation, James Stephen Ialeggio
Monitoring the survival of hatchery-produced spat and larvae on Louisiana public oyster reefs, Erin R. Leonhardt
An evaluation of oyster stocks, grow-out conditions, and off-bottom culture methods for increasing commercial production of eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica) in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Justin Morgan Leonhardt
Recovery of understory bird movement in post-pasture Amazonia, Luke L. Powell
Predicting mechanical properties of southern pine lumber with nondestructive measurements, Jacob Romer
Fish and macroinvertebrate assemblage composition and diversity at revetted banks in the Pearl River and the response of these assemblages to a paper mill effluent spill, Jose Alexander Vazquez
Ecosystem metabolism in coastal plain streams of southeast Louisiana : environmental and watershed effects, Jonathan L. West
Theses from 2012
The effects of oyster harvest on resident oyster reef communities and reef structure in coastal Louisiana proper, Steven Lee Beck
Spatial variability in response of deltaic baldcypress forests to hydrology and climate, Som Bahadur Bohora
Red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii in the Atchafalaya River Basin: biotic and abiotic effects on population dynamics and physiological biomarkers of hypoxic stress, Christopher Paul Bonvillain
Nitrogen and Carbon Export to the Gulf of Mexico by the Atchafalaya River, a Major Distributary of the Mississippi River, April Elizabeth BryantMason
Minimizing epicormic branch formation on Louisiana leading commercial bottomland red oaks, Denton William Culpepper
Water quality dynamics of low-gradient, headwater streams in a timber-industry dominated watershed in Louisiana, Abram Atys DaSilva
Habitat use, movements, and ecology of female mottled ducks on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana and Texas, Bruce Edward Davis
Ecology of Rusty Blackbirds wintering in Louisiana: seasonal trends, flock composition and habitat associations, Emma Elizabeth DeLeon
Population dynamics of the eastern oyster in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Benjamin S. Eberline
Effects of varying land use on headwater stream fish assemblages and in-stream habitats in southwestern Louisiana, Alexandra Marie Fitzgerald
Artificial oyster reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico: management, material, and faunal effects, Jessica Nicole Furlong
High-throughput sperm cryopreservation of aquatic species, E Hu
The effect of inorganic fillers on the properties of wood plastic composites, Birm June Kim
PMI 5011 regulates the ubiquitin proteasome system in skeletal muscle, Heather Christianne Kirk-Ballard
Biomass energy production in Louisiana: a GIS study on the supply chain, Anil Raj Kizhakkepurakkal
Modeling gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) habitat in a fire-dependnent ecosystem in north Florida, Christina Legleu
Energy, environment, and sustainability: a hierarchical analysis of south Louisiana, Matthew Korbel Moerschbaecher
Movements and habitat use of southeastern blue sucker Cycleptus merdionalis in the lower Pearl River, Devon Charles Oliver
Modeling the spatial and temporal dynamics of coastal marsh birds, Bradley A. Pickens
Theses from 2011
Developmental responses to abiotic conditions during aquatic and air incubatoin of the Gulf killifish (Fundulus grandis): subtitle, Charles Alexander Brown
Influences of landscape characteristics on the nesting ecology of female wild turkeys and behavior of raccoons, Michael E. Byrne
A general approach for vitrification of fish sperm, Rafael Cuevas Uribe
Effects of row spacing and debris distribution on small mammal and vegetation communities in newly established loblolly pine plantations, Louisiana, Joshua Lee Grace
Population characteristics of a white-tailed deer herd in an industrial pine forest of north-central Louisiana, John Henry Harrelson
Fragmentation sensitivity and its consequences on demography and host-ectoparasite dynamics in amazonian birds, Erik I. Johnson
Aquatic macroinvertebrate and nekton community structure in a Chenier marsh ecosystem: implications for Whooping Crane prey availability, Sung-Ryong Kang
Spatiotemporal responses of macroinvertebraes to timber harvesting in low-gradient headwater streams of central Louisiana, Derrick Klimesh
Evaluation of selected plant products as dietary protein sources for Florida pompano (Trachinotus carolinus), Gregory Lech
An overview of green jobs in the Louisiana forest sector, Ryan D. Olson
Response of disturbance-dependent breeding bird communities to two site preparations in loblolly pine plantations, Falyn LeAnn Owens
Carbon sequestration and uneven-aged management of loblolly pine stands in the southern USA: a joint optimization approach, Rajan Parajuli
Marketing forest-based ecotourism in Sri Lanka: predicting the ecotourism behavior and defining the market segment through a behavioral approach, Polwattage K. Perera
Effects of ecotourist pre-purchase and external information search behaviors and strategies on forest-based ecotourism travel decisions in Sri Lanka, Rangika T. Perera
Evaluation of methods to predict Weibull parameters for characterizing diameter distributions, Krishna Prasad Poudel