LSU Agricultural Experiment Station Reports
The LSU Agricultural Experiment Station was established in 1885 as a sugar research station funded by the Louisiana Sugar Planters Association. The station’s purpose was "to develop and improve the agricultural interests and resources of Louisiana, especially the cultivation of sugarcane and rice by scientific and agricultural and chemical experiments and to disseminated information connected therewith." With the passage of the federal Hatch Act of 1887, agriculture research at land grant universities were established throughout the United States. Today, the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station serves as the research arm of the LSU AgCenter. It is composed of academic departments and research stations across Louisiana. Scientists at research stations develop new knowledge and technologies to help agricultural producers provide citizens of the state and the nation with a vast array of food, fiber, and fuel. More information about the Louisiana Agricultural Experiment Station can be found here:
The digitization of the LSU Agricultural Experiment Station bulletins was funded through Project Ceres, a program that supports the ongoing preservation and digitization of collections in the field of agriculture. Project Ceres is a partnership between the United States Agriculture Information Network (USAIN), the Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC), and the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). More information about Project Ceres can be found here:
Submissions from 1982
A computer model for trailer optimization in a cotton harvesting system, George R. Baskin
The Red imported fire ant, Solenoposis invicta Buren: cultural control and effect on hay meadows, W E. Blust
Straightbred and crossbred beef cattle performance in Louisiana, John W. Knox
Nutritional and agronomic comparisons of cowpeas, millet, and sorghum, Charles R. Montgomery
The educational and occupational aspirations of Louisiana rural high school students: a comparative study, George W. Ohlendorf
Submissions from 1981
Insects infesting alfalfa in northwest Louisiana: their effect on production, their control with insecticides, R A. Farlow
Solar drying of wood in Louisiana, Timothy G. Lumley
Biology and illustrated key for the identification of twenty species of economically important noctuid pests, A D. Oliver
Submissions from 1980
Effects of planting dates and cultivars on cotton yield, lint percentage, and fiber quality, Wilbur Aguillard
Effects of various inoculants on nitrogen fixation and yield of soybeans, Edward P. Dunigan
Performance of soybean varieties in Louisiana, 1975-79, D F. Gilman
Clothing expenditures among the expenditure priorities of elderly couples before and after retirement, Eleanor Kelley
An economic comparison of intensive beef cow-calf programs with cotton and soybeans, John W. Knox
Effects of harvest date and age on quality of coastal bermudagrass, B D. Nelson
Influence of soil reaction and zinc applications on yields and zinc contents of rice plants, J E. Sedberry
Submissions from 1979
Economic implications of producing beef calves with four pasture management systems, John C. Carpenter
Organizational effectiveness and retention rates of school districts in Louisiana, Allen Word Comfort
An assessment of housing of Indian, white, and black residents in two rural Louisiana communities, Forrest A. Deseran
Some relationships of soil, fertilizer, and leaf-blade sulphur to sugarcane yields in Louisiana, Laron E. Golden
Nutritional and agronomic comparisons of four warm-season perennial grasses, Charles R. Montgomery
Experiments with improvement of yield and fertility of Dallisgrass seed in Louisiana, Corbin Ransom Owen
Louisiana agriculture, 1940-1977: economic trends and current status, Stephen Douglas Reiling
Acceptance of beef finished on forages or with limited grain, Alvin Schupp
Scaling social data across time: a comparison of samples and techniques, Virginia P. Steelman
Submissions from 1978
A Summary of nitrogen studies with forage crops at the Southeast Louisiana Dairy and Pasture Experiment Station, Marvin Allen
Aerated steam: a system for heat treating sugarcane to control ratoon stunting disease, Billy J. Cochran
The Consumer's view of flame retardant fashion fabrics, Eleanor Kelley
Mortality and longevity in Louisiana: the relationship of rural residence to survival after age 65, Yui Huen Kwan
A study of owners of small timber tracts in Louisiana, Clifton Boyd Marlin
Diagnosis and correction of zinc problems in rice production, J E. Sedberry
Submissions from 1977
Responses of bahiagrass to applied nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, Marvin Allen
Runoff from a pastured watershed in Louisiana, Tom S. Chisholm
Effects of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers and soil type on yield components and nutrient uptake of four sugarcane varieties, Laron E. Golden
Effects of soil amendment and fertilizer applications on sweet potato growth, production, and quality, L G. Jones
Factors affecting the purchase and use of sweet potatoes, Jerry M. Law
Red clover breeding in Louisiana, Corbin Ransom Owen
White clover in Louisiana, Corbin Ransom Owen
Infant mortality in Louisiana: levels, trends, and differentials, Lisandro Perez
Population change in Louisiana, 1970-1975, Lisandro Perez
Submissions from 1976
Restudy of Toledo Bend Reservoir user characteristics, Alvin Lee Bertrand
The impact of aging on participation in social and leisure activities in two Louisiana parishes, Thomas J. Durant
Residential and racial trends for the school-age population and public school teachers in Louisiana, William W. Falk
Response of four corn hybrids to different plant densities and row spacings on Olivier soil, Lee Mason
Simulation of a commercially harvested alligator population in Louisiana, James D. Nichols
Effects of rate of planting on yield and some yield components of sugarcane, Ray Ricaud
Planting dates for soybeans in central Louisiana, Curtis Williams
Submissions from 1975
Middle Fork Bayou D'Arbonne Reservoir Project, Claiborne Parish, Louisiana: a feasibility and social impact study, Alvin Lee Bertrand
The effect of sugarcane production on nutrient contents of Mhoon and Jeanerette silt loams, Laron E. Golden
Birth rates in Louisiana in the post-baby boom era, Thomas E. Koebernick
Comparisons of corn and a bird-resistant grain sorghum in beef finishing rations, Alvin F. Loyacano
Some legal aspects of catfish and crawfish farming in Louisiana: a case study, Elizabeth Williams
Submissions from 1974
Effects of nitrogen, population and hybrid on the yield and quality of irrigated corn for silage on Providence soil, Marvin Allen
The Response of an oat-ryegrass mixture to applied nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, Marvin Allen
The Coccinellidae of Louisiana (Insecta: Coleoptera), Joan Beggs Chapin
Corn forage as affected by plant population nitrogen rate and hybrid on Olivier soil, Lee Mason
The human dimension of coastal zone development, Karen W. Paterson
The cultural context of food: a study of food habits and their social significance in selected areas of Louisiana, Virginia Purtle Steelman
Submissions from 1973
Toledo Bend Reservoir: a study of user characteristics, patterns, preferences, Alvin Lee Bertrand
The coastal marshlands of Louisiana :chemical properties of the soil materials, Robert Hartmann Brupbacher
The coastal marshlands of Louisiana: chemical properties of the soil materials, Robert Hartmann Brupbacher
Soil analysis: an aid in the fertilization of vegetable crops, L G. Jones
Consumer acceptance and wear performance of men's knit undershirts, Neva Foster Olsen
Soil oxygen content and root development of cotton in Mississippi River Alluvial soils, William H. Patrick
Molybdenum investigations with soybeans in Louisiana, J E. Sedberry
Submissions from 1972
Vegetation, water and soil characteristics of the Louisiana coastal region, R H. Chabreck
Variations in oxygen content of forest soils under mature loblolly pine stands, Shih-Chang Hu
Coastal bermudagrass pastures for grazing calves and yearlings in Louisiana, W M. Oliver
The distribution and characteristics of farm accidents in Louisiana, Karen W. Paterson
Effects of some liming materials and calcium sulfate on soil reaction and exchangeable calcium and magnesium, W J. Peevy
Soil test results and their use in making fertilizer and lime recommendations, W J. Peevy
Rice processing effects on milling yields, protein content and cooking qualities, Ramachandra M.R. Rao
Louisiana soybean variety trials, 1968-1971, Curtis Williams
Submissions from 1971
Health service planning regions for Louisiana, Carl F. Baty
Producing slaughter steers with grain self-fed on pasture, John C. Carpenter
Demographic factors, medical personnel and facilities of health service planning regions for Louisiana; a statistical compendium for planners, Evans W. Curry
Response of rice to time of seeding in Louisiana, Nelson Edgar Jodon
A measure of the intraspecific competition experienced by an individual tree in a planted stand, Thomas D. Keister
The soils of Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana, Sherman A. Lytle
The effects of combinations of lime and fertilizers on yields of cotton, corn, and hairy vetch, B E. Newman
Louisiana's human resources. Part V, Population change by parishes and incorporated places, 1950-1970, Karen W. Paterson
Chemical treatments for cottonseed, J A. Pinckard
Effects of zinc and other elements on the yield of rice and nutrient content of rice plants, J E. Sedberry
Nitrogen transformations in waterlogged soil, M E. Tusneem
Returns above feed and steer costs from finishing steers on experimental rations in Louisiana, T Wayne White
Submissions from 1970
Attitudinal patterns prevalent in a forest area with high incendiarism, Alvin L. Bertrand
Fertility levels and lime status of soils in Louisiana, R H. Brupbacher
Predicting technological change on farms: a study of Louisiana farmers, Pedro Felix Hernandez
Social factors related to the rapid adoption of soybeans by Louisiana farmers, Quentin Jenkins
The soils of St. Mary Parish, Louisiana, Sherman A. Lytle
Submissions from 1969
Farm lagoons in Louisiana, H T. Barr
The availability and distribution of health personnel in Louisiana, Carl F. Baty
Producing slaughter steers with temporary grazing crops and concentrates, John C. Carpenter
Silage and wheat pasture for wintering and finishing weanling calves, John C. Carpenter