Bundled adoption of precision agriculture technologies by cotton producers
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This research analyzes the adoption patterns among cotton farmers for remote sensing, yield monitors, soil testing, soil electrical conductivity, and other precision agriculture technologies using a Multiple Indicator Multiple Causation regression model. Adoption patterns are analyzed using principle component analysis to determine natural technology groupings. Identified bundles are regressed on farm structure and operator characteristics. The propensity to adopt technology bundles was greater for producers managing relatively larger operations who used a variety of information sources to learn about precision farming, irrigated cotton, practiced crop rotation, and participated in working land conservation programs.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Lambert, D., Paudel, K., & Larson, J. (2015). Bundled adoption of precision agriculture technologies by cotton producers. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 325-345. Retrieved from https://repository.lsu.edu/ag_econ_pubs/110