Theses from 2007
Analysis of trade on El Salvador post dollarization, Jorge Raul Rivera
Spatial econometric analysis of agglomeration economies associated with the geographical distribution of the U.S. biotech industry, Pramod Reddy Sambidi
An hedonic analysis of southwestern Louisiana wetland prices using GIS, Baifu Xu
Theses from 2006
A semiparametric assessment of export-led growth in the Philippines, Lorna E. Amrinto
Cost-efficacy of wetland preservation and restoration in coastal Louisiana, Christiane Aust
Exchange rate effects on bilateral agricultural trade analysis on the DR-CAFTA, Jennifer Eileen Bocock
Analysis of U.S. aquacultural producer preferences for genetic improvement and cryopreservation, Brian Paul Boever
A comparative study of household demand for meats by U.S. Hispanics, Carlos Ignacio Garcia
The effects of perceptions on consumer acceptance of genetically modified (GM) foods, Jae-Hwan Han
Analysis of trade in the Western Hemisphere utilizing a Gravity Model framework, Brian Matthew Hilbun
Trade creation and trade diversion effects in the EU-South Africa Free Trade Agreement, Gregory Emeka Kwentua
Analysis of consumer attitudes and their willingness to pay for functional foods, Cate Nakaweesa Munene
Awareness of the Environmental Quality Incentives Program and subsequent adoption of best management practices by cattle farmers in Louisiana, Joyce Mamle Obubuafo
Export-led growth in Southern Africa, Ramona Sinoha-Lopete
Econometric essays on specification and estimation of demand systems, Anil Kumar Sulgham
Measuring the degree of market power in the export demand for soybean complex, Dwi Susanto
Theses from 2005
Economic evaluation of potential changes in farm program price support for typical Louisiana rice and cotton farming operations, Manuel E. Aldana
An assessment of consumer preferences for Louisiana strawberries, Michael Neil Bruchhaus
Export-led growth in Honduras and the Central American region, Hermann Castro Zuniga
An examination of U.S. rice export promotion programs, Yiqian Wang
Dissertations from 2004
Evaluating international agricultural trade in Central America: three analyses, Jose Roberto Andino
The potential impact of trade policy changes on Caribbean sugar, Delroy Anthony Armstrong
Case study analysis of strategic alliances for the U.S. beef industry, Angel Bu Zapatta
An economic evaluation of using Management Zones in cotton production, Jose Antonio Cabrera-Davila
An evaluation of cost of production insurance as an income support tool for rice and cotton producers in Louisiana, Erica Harding
An analysis of marginal effects of land characteristics and purchase factors on rural land values in north Louisiana, Rebecca Summers McLaren
Spatial econometric analysis of Louisiana rural real estate values, Patricia Soto
Theses from 2003
An economic analysis of homeowners' preferences and perceptions regarding termite prevention and control in Louisiana, Doleswar Bhandari
Analyzing changes in contractual practices in the Louisiana nursery industry, Roberto E. Navajas
Establishing the economic impact of the green industry on Louisiana's economy, Raul A. Pinel
Factors affecting plant location decisions of U.S. broiler executives, Pramod Sambidi
Economic analysis of the Best Management Practices (BMPS) in Louisiana sugarcane production, Ying Zhong
Dissertations from 2002
Multidemensional goals of farmers in the beef cattle an dairy industries, Aydin Basarir
Factors affecting the selection of business arrangements by hog producers in the United States, Christopher Gazzara Davis
Beef producer perferences for various livestock revenue protection products: a conjoint approach, Deacue Fields III
An economic analysis of pre-harvesting marketing strategies and financial performance, Manuel Duarte Filipe
A game theoretic analysis of U.S. rice exports under alternative Japanese and South Korean policy scenarios, Dae-Seob Lee
Analysis of consumer perceptions toward biotechnology and their preferences for biotech food labels, St. Everald A. Mclennon
Adoption of best management practices in the Louisiana dairy industry, Noro C. Rahelizatovo
Dynamic econometric modeling of the U.S. wheat grain market, Carlos Walter Robledo
Economic evaluation of alternative rough rice marketing and storage strategies, April Street
Theses/Dissertations from 2001
The Budgetary Impacts of European Integration: a General Equilibrium Analysis of Turkish Accession Into the European Union., Selahattin Bekmez
Trade flows and marketing practices of Louisiana and Gulf States nurseries, Wade R. Hampton
The Influence of Agricultural Policy on Economic Integration Among Central American Countries: A Game Theoretic Analysis., Jorge Luis Icabalceta mairena
A Dynamic Econometric Model for the United States Rice Market., Sung Chul No
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
Theses/Dissertations from 1999
Analysis of *Policy Alternatives in the Implementation of a Coastal Nonpoint Pollution Control Program for Agriculture., Hugo Cardona castillo
Impact of Shrimp Imports on the United States' Southeastern Shrimp Processing Industry and Processed Shrimp Market., Hamady Diop
Theses/Dissertations from 1998
A Conceptual and Empirical Approach for Valuing Biodiversity: An Estimate of the Benefits of Plant and Wildlife Habitat Preservation in the Tensas River Basin., Jack Coburn Isaacs
Dynamic Modeling of Export Demand: the Case of United States Unmilled Wheat., Mario Alberto Piedra
Development and Assessment of a Property Rights-Based Measure of State Regulatory Climate., Ferdinand Francis Wirth III
Theses/Dissertations from 1997
A Double-Hurdle Expenditure Analysis of Nonconsumptive Wildlife-Related Recreation., Yeong-nain Chi
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
The Role of Environmental Attitudes in Incentive-Based Environmental Management: The Case of the Wetland Reserve Program., Assane Diagne
Theses/Dissertations from 1995
A Spatial Analysis of Variation in Rural Real Estate Prices Across Homogeneous Land Market Areas in Louisiana., Gary A. Kennedy
Theses/Dissertations from 1992
A Conjoint Analysis of Wetland-Based Recreation: A Case Study of Louisiana Waterfowl Hunting., Christopher Ec Gan
Regional Comparative Advantage and Inefficiency in Production: Methodological and Empirical Issues., Barun Kanti Kanjilal
Theses/Dissertations from 1950
Agricultural Problems of India., Teja Singh Gill
Theses/Dissertations from 1942
An Economic Study of Rough Rice Marketing in Louisiana., Clarence Boonstra