Ophthalmic Evaluation of Raptors Suffering From Ocular Trauma
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Ocular problems are often associated with traumatic injury in raptors. A comprehensive evaluation, including a complete ophthalmic examination, is vital in determining the patient's overall health and suitability for release. Steps for conducting ocular examination and diagnostic testing in raptors is discussed. Additionally, common clinical findings after trauma, as well as the mechanisms by which ocular injury occurs, are outlined. An overview of medical treatments recommended for commonly diagnosed ocular diseases and the utility of ancillary diagnostic procedures is also presented.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Journal of avian medicine and surgery
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Recommended Citation
Carter, R. T., & Lewin, A. C. (2021). Ophthalmic Evaluation of Raptors Suffering From Ocular Trauma. Journal of avian medicine and surgery, 35 (1), 2-27. https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-35.1.2