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This project pursued two main objectives: (1) providing opportunities to Baton Rouge Community College (BRCC) students to develop hands-on laboratory skills and exposure to the transportation field, and (2) investigating porous concrete properties. Several BRCC student groups performed the work presented within this report; students prepared samples with different porosity and permeability according to standard specifications. The testing of the samples was performed at the Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) facility under the supervision of LTRC specialists. Findings indicate that the porosity of samples is backward proportional to the compression strength. This function is not linear but can be estimated as an exponential decay curve for the aggregates used. More water content in the mixture gives stronger samples with low permeability that could reduce water absorption by the porous concrete in industrial applications. The optimal mixture recipe provides 30,000 psi compression stress with 15% porosity, which is enough for parking lot and walking path applications.


Tran-SET Project No. 18CLSU14
