
Submissions from 2024


Leadership for Social Change: Clara Whitehill Hunt and the Evolution of Children’s Librarianship, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Memory and Myth in the Creation of Identity: The Establishment of the Vernal Public Library, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Webster Parish Library, 1929-1935 : A Rosenwald Demonstration Library, Suzanne Marie Stauffer

Submissions from 2023


“Correct Provision Can Be Made for Their Wants: The Reading Rooms of the Santa Fe Railroad, Suzanne Stauffer

Submissions from 2022


The Band of American Ladies : Children’s Librarians and the Creation of Children’s Literature in the Long 19th Century, Suzanne Stauffer

Books from 2021

Libraries, Archives, and Museums: An Introduction to Cultural Heritage Institutions Through the Ages, Suzanne M. Stauffer


“An Emergency Job Well Done”: Friends of Freedom Libraries and the Mississippi Freedom Libraries, Suzanne Marie Stauffer

Books from 2020

The Academic Librarian in the Digital Age: Essays on Changing Roles and Responsibilities, Tom Diamond

An Exploration of Contributor-Created Description Field in Participatory Archives, Ana Roeschley, Jeonghyun Kim, and Oksana L. Zavalina


Educating for Whiteness: Applying Critical Race Theory’s Revisionist History in Library & Information Science Research, Suzanne Marie Stauffer

An Exploration of How the Resourcing of Staff and Book Purchasing Affects the Development of China’s Public School Libraries in Guangzhou, Wenyan Zhang, Mengmeng Ji, Hui Wang, Chenglong Zhang, Sheng Xu, Yejun Wu, and Fei Song

Books from 2019

Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice, Edward Benoit III


“The right information”: Perceptions of information bias among Black Wikipedians, Boryung Ju and Brenton Stewart

“Something that feels like a community”: the role of personal stories in building community-based participatory archives, Ana Roeschley and Jeonghyun Kim


Let Us Forget this Cherishing of Women in Library Work: Women in the American Library War Service, 1918-1920, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Marilla Waite Freeman: The Librarian as Literary Muse, Gatekeeper, and Disseminator of Print Culture, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


What drives Black contributions to Wikipedia?, Brenton Stewart and Boryung Ju


Racial Climate and Inclusiveness in Academic Libraries: Perceptions of Welcomeness among Black College Students, Brenton Stewart, Boryung Ju, and Kaetrena Davis Kendrick

Creating a Security Methods Taxonomy for Information Resource Management, Yejun Wu and Fansong Meng


@Houstonpolice: an exploratory case of Twitter during Hurricane Harvey, Seungwon Yang and Brenton Stewart

Books from 2018

Project Management in the Library Workplace, Alice Daugherty

Exploring research data management from a data user’s perspective, Yejun Wu and Fernando Loizides

Submissions from 2017


Libraries are the Homes of Books: Whiteness in the Construction of School Libraries, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Utilizing this new medium of mass-communication: the Regional Film Distribution Program at the Cleveland Public Library, 1948-1951., Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Cheryl Knott. Not Free, Not for All: Public Libraries in the Age of Jim Crow, Brenton Stewart

A Pilot Study on Comparing and Extracting Impact Relations, Yejun Wu and Li Yang

Submissions from 2016


From Saigon to Baton Rouge: East Baton Rouge Parish Library and Vietnamese Refugees, 1975-1985, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


Supplanting the Saloon Evil and Other Loafing Habits: Utah’s Library-Gymnasium Movement, 1907-1912., Suzanne Marie Stauffer

Oil Spill Impacts: Taxonomic and Ontological Approaches, Yejun Wu

Submissions from 2015


“To Support the Southern Medical Public”: The Medical College of Georgia as a Southern Information Agency, 1828–1861, Brenton Stewart

Construction and evaluation of an oil spill semantic relation taxonomy for supporting knowledge discovery, Yejun Wu

Formative and summative evaluation of a large topic map as a self-regulated learning tool, Yejun Wu

Submissions from 2014


The Dangers of Unlimited Access: Fiction, the Internet and the Social Construction of Childhood., Suzanne Marie Stauffer

Books from 2013

Workplace Culture in Academic Libraries: The Early 21st Century, Kelly Blessinger and Paul Hrycaj

Embedded Librarianship: What Every Academic Librarian Should Know, Alice L. Daugherty and Michael F. Russo


Taking a Dip in the Crazy Pool: The Evolution of X-Women From Heroic Subject to Sexual Object., Suzanne Marie Stauffer

A preliminary study on the curriculum overlap and gap between LIS education and intelligence education, Yejun Wu

Indexing historical political cartoons for retrieval, Yejun Wu

Research and development of a financial e-training system based on knowledge discovery technology - from structured resource processing to trainee-oriented navigation, Yejun Wu

Strengthening intelligence education with information-processing and knowledge-organization competencies, Yejun Wu

Books from 2010

The Agile Librarian's Guide to Thriving in Any Institution, Michelynn McKnight

Books from 2009

Electronic Records in the Manuscript Repository, Elizabeth H. Dow

Books from 2007

Information Literacy Programs in the Digital Age: Educating College and University Students Online, Alice Daugherty and Michael F. Russo


Developing Children's Interest in Reading, Suzanne Marie Stauffer


In Their Own Image: the Public Library Collection as a Reflection of its Donors, Suzanne Marie Stauffer

Books from 2006

Reference, Assessment, and Evaluation, Tom Diamond

Books from 2005

The Economic and Political Aspects of the Tobacco Industry: An Annotated Bibliography and Statisical Review, 1990-2004, Tom Diamond

Creating EAD-Compatible Finding Guides on Paper, Elizabeth H. Dow


Polygamy and the Public Library: The Establishment of Public Libraries in Utah before 1910., Suzanne Marie Stauffer


She Speaks as One Having Authority”: Mary E. Downey’s Use of Libraries as a Means to Public Power, Suzanne Marie Stauffer