Smoking cessation for weight-concerned women: group vs. individually tailored, dietary, and weight-control follow-up sessions

Amy L. Copeland, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, 70803, USA.
Pamela D. Martin
Paula J. Geiselman
Carla J. Rash
Darla E. Kendzor


Postcessation weight gain is of concern to many female cigarette smokers. A multidisciplinary treatment combining psychological, dietary, and exercise components followed a 2-week smoking cessation program. Participants were randomly assigned to receive six follow-up relapse prevention sessions (in a group format or in an individually tailored format) directed by trained representatives from clinical psychology, dietary counseling, and exercise physiology. As predicted, abstinence rates were significantly higher among the individually tailored follow-up participants than among those assigned to the group follow-up condition at 3 and 6 months posttreatment. Differences between conditions in postcessation weight gain were not significant. However, the postcessation weight gain that did occur was significantly associated with subsequent smoking relapse in the group follow-up condition only.