Linking quantitative traits with AFLP markers in sweetpotatoes using discriminant analysis

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Conference Proceeding

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We evaluated a discriminant analysis technique to link molecular markers with root dry matter in sweetpotatoes. This technique does not require a priori segregation data or controlled populations in order to identify putative trait linked markers. Sixty-eight sweetpotato varieties were sampled on the basis of their root dry matter content from an original USDA population of 394 clones. Thirty-four of the 68 clones had a high dry matter content ranging from 36.67% to 43.48%. The second group of 34 clones had a low dry matter content ranging from 12.20% to 21.99%. DNA samples from the 68 clones were analyzed using AFLP. AMOVA found significant (P <0.001) differences between the two groups. Step discriminant analyses (SAS, 2001) with the forward option was used to select markers that discriminate between the two phenotypic groups. Fourteen molecular markers were selected from 903 markers generated using four AFLP primer combinations. Using the 14 selected markers, discriminant analysis (SAS, 2001) validated the phenotypic grouping with a zero error rate. AMOVA also found significant differences (P <0.001) between the two phenotypic groups using the 6 to 14 selected markers.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Acta Horticulturae

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