Online fabric database with intelligent search and fuzzy clustering

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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In this paper, we present our on-going work on a web-based online database for fabric sourcing. The objective of the database and its intelligent search engine is to address the urgent needs of cloth manufacturers, clothing designers and retailers to quickly find suitable fabric materials and fabric manufacturers. The intelligent search engine allows users to enter flexible queries in search for fabrics according to fabric mechanical property, the intended garment appearance, as well as tailorability of the fabrics. We also apply fuzzy linear clustering method of Hathaway and Bezdek to the task of fabric drape property prediction which is useful for selecting suitable fabrics. We show that the fuzzy linear clustering method is quite effective for this task. A combination of fuzzy clustering and k-nearest neighbor method further improved the drape prediction accuracy.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing

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