First Report of Sudden Death Syndrome of Soybean Caused by Fusarium virguliforme in Louisiana

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During summer of 2014, soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] variety Asgrow 4232 exhibited typical symptoms of sudden death syndrome in East Carroll Parish, LA. Symptoms were interveinal chlorosis and necrosis of leaf tissue on the upper and lower surfaces, stunting, and death of some plants (Fig. 1). White bluish sporodochia were observed on the roots of symptomatic plants (Fig. 2), as was necrosis of cortical tissue with white pith in the lower stem (Fig. 3). No soybean cyst nematodes were observed on sampled plants. Disease incidence in the field was 2% with a yield loss estimated at 1%. Microscopic examination of sporodochia on roots revealed the presence of conidia typical of Fusarium sp. (Fig. 4)

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Plant Health Progress

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