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We consider the case of a pair of particles initially in a superposition state corresponding to a separated pair of wave packets. In contrast to a previous related work, we avoid a master equation approach and we calculate exactly the time development of this non-Gaussian state due to interaction with an arbitrary heat bath. We find that coherence decays continuously, as expected. We then investigate entanglement and find that at a finite time the system becomes separable (not entangled). Thus, we see that entanglement sudden death is also prevalent in continuous variable systems which should raise concern for the designers of entangled systems. © 2010 World Scientific Publishing Company.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
International Journal of Quantum Information
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Recommended Citation
Ford, G., & O'Connell, R. (2010). Decay of coherence and entanglement of a superposition state for a continuous variable system in an arbitrary heat bath. International Journal of Quantum Information, 8 (5), 755-763.