Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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By exploiting symmetries that enable the accounting of vital collective correlations in nuclei, we achieve significantly reduced dimensions for equivalent ultra-large model spaces, and hence resolve the scale explosion problem in nuclear structure calculations, i.e, the explosive growth in computational resource demands with increasing number of particles and size of the spaces in which they reside. As a result, we provide-with the help of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources-first solutions for selected benchmark calculations with remarkable findings of large-deformation and low-spin dominance in low-lying nuclear states. In the framework of a complementary symmetry-adapted study, one is able, facilitated by symmetry-preserving pieces of the inter-nucleon interaction, to accommodate unprecedented shell-model spaces critical to capture the physics governing the Hoyle state in 12C, thereby addressing a 60-year-old puzzle on the emergence of cluster substructures within a no-core shell model framework. All of these findings underline the key role of symmetries in nuclear structure studies.

Publication Source (Journal or Book title)

Journal of Physics: Conference Series
