Theses from 2010
Geological analysis and hydrodynamic modeling of tropical cyclone influence: northeastern Gulf of Mexico inner shelf, Amy Lynn Spaziani
Edaphic and vegetative controls on mercury cycling in oligohaline wetlands, Jonathan M. Willis
Theses from 2009
Fine- to basin-scale distributions of Calanus finmarchicus and its predators in three deep basins of the Gulf of Maine during December 1998 and 1999 from Video Plankton Recorder (VPR) data, Christian Briseño-Avena
Assessing linkages between petroleum platforms and pelagic fishes using telemetry with emphasis on blue runner (Caranx crysos), Harmon Brown
Hydrodynamic response to cold fronts along the Louisiana coast, Zhixuan Feng
Subaqueous, hurricane-initiated shelf failure morphodynamics along the Mississippi River Delta Front, north-central Gulf of Mexico, Walter Scott Guidroz
Applying the isotope pairing technique to evaluate how water temperature and habitat type influence denitrification estimates in Breton Sound, Louisiana, Peter L. Lenaker
Proxy records of paleohurricanes for the western and southern caribbean, Terrence Allen McCloskey
Oil platforms and red snapper movement and behavior, Michael McDonough
Sedimentation on a mixed siliciclastic/carbonate continental margin over decadal to millennial timescales: Gulf of Papua, Zahid Muhammad
The role of climate variability and riverine pulsing in the community dynamics of estuarine nekton in Breton Sound, Louisiana, Bryan Patrick Piazza
CBOD₅ treatment and nitrogen transformations of the marshland upwelling system in intermediate and saltwater marshes, Lorna Anne Putnam
Storm surge dynamics over wide continental shelves: numerical experiments using the Finite-Volume Coastal Ocean Model, Joao Lima Rego
Barrier island migration over a consolidating substrate, Julie Dean Rosati
Anthropogenic and natural perturbations on lower Barataria Bay, Louisiana: detecting responses of marsh-edge fishes and decapod crustaceans, Agatha-Marie Fuller Roth
Seasonal variability in absorption and fluorescence properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Barataria Basin, Louisiana, USA, Shatrughan Singh
Remediating impacts of global climate change-induced submergence on salt marsh ecosystem functions, Camille LaFosse Stagg
Dissertations from 2008
A century of land use and water quality in watersheds of the continental U.S., Whitney P. Broussard III
Denitrification enzyme activity as an indicator of nitrate loading in a wetland receiving diverted Mississippi River water, Lisa Michelle Gardner
Swamp ecology in a dynamic coastal landscape: an investigation through field study and simulation modeling, Susanne Sigrid Hoeppner
Assessment of oxygen sources and sinks in the northern Gulf of Mexico using stable oxygen isotopes, Zoraida Jazmin Quinones-Rivera
The effect of an inshore artificial reef on the community structure and feeding ecology of estuarine fishes in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Kirsten A. Simonsen
Elucidating marine pore water exchange and fresh aquifer sources in estimates of submarine groundwater discharge to a coastal lagoon, Christopher Gerald Smith
Landscape analysis of vegetation change in coastal Louisiana following hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Gregory Dean Steyer
Dissertations from 2007
Predicting water quality effects on bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) growth and production in Chesapeake Bay: linking water quality and individual-based fish models, Aaron Thomas Adamack
Sediment flux and fate in the Mississippi River Diversion at West Bay: observation study, Thomas Mitchell Andrus
The anatomy of a coastal bay/lake system, Michelle Greene
Early flotant establishment and growth dynamics in a nutrient amended wetland in the lower Mississippi River delta, Caleb W. Izdepski
Disturbance effects on nekton communities of seagrasses and bare substrates in Biloxi Marsh, Louisiana, Jamie Lynn Maiaro
Ecosystem effects of expanding populations of Avicennia germinans in a southeastern Louisiana Spartina alterniflora saltmarsh, Carey Lynn Perry
A comparison of individual-based and matrix projection models to applied to fish population and community dynamics, Shaye Ellen Sable
RNA:DNA as an indicator of nutritional condition and growth in larval naked goby, Gobiosoma bosc, Michelle C. Satterwhite
A comparison of channel morphology, marsh elevation, and biological processes in natural and dredged tidal salt marshes in Louisiana, Jennifer S. Spicer
The effects of trawling and habitat use on red snapper and the associated community, Robert Joseph David Wells
Dissertations from 2006
Quantifying changes in fish habitat use in coastal waters of Louisiana, USA: a hydroacoustic approach, Kevin Mershon Boswell
Application of short-term sediment dynamics and particle-bound phosphorus fractionation methods (SEDEX) to estimate the benthic nutrient loading potential in Upper Newport Estuary, California, Hilary Amanda Collis
Belowground biomass of Spartina alterniflora: seasonal variability and response to nutrients, Faith Armand Darby
Habitat use by nekton in a saltmarsh estuary along a stream-order gradient in northeastern Barataria Bay, Louisiana, Pablo Granados-Dieseldorff
Nutrient constraints on plant community production and organic matter accumulation of subtropical floating marshes, Guerry O., Jr. Holm Jr.
A neural network model for classification of coastal wetlands vegetation structure with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) data, Evaristo Joseph Liwa
A community approach to identifying essential fish habitat of spotted seatrout, Cynoscion nebulosus, in Barataria Bay, LA, Pamela Sharon Dawn MacRae
Modeling the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Atlantic croaker: understanding biomarkers and predicting population responses, Cheryl Anne Murphy
Laboratory and field measurements of bioturbation by macrofauna in a coastal setting, Skyler Neylon
Petrological and geochemical investigations of deep sea turbidite sands in the Pandora and Moresby Troughs: Source to Sink Papua New Guinea Focus Area, Luke Jeremiah Patterson
Salt marsh restoration with sediment-slurry amendments following a drought-induced, large-scale disturbance, Angela Marie Schrift
Effects of diesel-fuel and copper contaminants on benthic microalgae, Soraya Silva
River, tidal and wind interactions in a deltaic estuarine system, Gregg Snedden
Theses from 2005
Offshore oil and gas platforms as stepping stones for expansion of coral communities: a molecular genetic analysis, Amy D. Atchison
Restoration success of backfilling canals in coastal Louisiana marshes, Joseph Baustian
Benthic communities in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic area: potential prey for demersal fish, Melissa Millman Baustian
The effects of aluminum concentration on growth responses in six Spartina alterniflora genotypes, Daniel Farrell Becker
Population dynamics of Clausocalanus furcatus (Copepoda, Calanoida) in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Hongsheng Bi
Nutrient interactions, plant productivity, soil accretion, and policy implications of wetland enhancements in coastal Louisiana, Christopher Brantley
Effects of adding sediment to a fresh water thin mat floating marsh, Kate Carpenter
Nekton utilization of black mangrove (Avicennia germinans) and smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) sites in southwestern Caminada Bay, Louisiana, Melanie Christine Caudill
Geologic variability and Holocene sedimentary record on the Northern Gulf of Mexico inner to mid-continental shelf, Triniti A. Dufrene
Belowground productivity of mangrove forests in southwest Florida, Beatriz Eugenia Giraldo Sánchez
Platform recruited reef fish, Phase I: do platforms provide habitat that increase the survival of juvenile reef fishes?, Lauren Kay Nowling
Spotted sea trout (Cynoscion nebulosus) and pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) dietary analysis according to habitat type, Micah Russell
The establishment, expansion and ecosystem effects of Phragmites australis, an invasive species in coastal Louisiana, Lee Ellis Stanton
Denitrification and greenhouse gas emissions from cultivated and wetland alluvial soils, Sami Ullah
Detailed geochronology of the Mississippi Sound during the late Holocene, Brian Velardo
Dissertations from 2004
Application of disturbance theory to assess impacts associated with a three-dimensional seismic survey in a freshwater marsh in southwest Louisiana, Aaron Stuard Bass
Influence of the marsh edge on the structure and trophic ecology of the fish and macroinvertebrate community in a Louisiana estuarine ecosystem, Guillermo Duque
Freshwater and nutrient inputs to a Mississippi River deltaic estuary with river re-introduction, Emily Christina Grace Hyfield
The effects of nutrient enrichment on the decomposition of belowground organic matter in a Sagittaria lancifolia - dominated oligohaline marsh, Kristen Raye Laursen
The fidelity of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) to petroleum platforms and artificial reefs in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Megan Blythe Peabody
Leaf litter processing by macrodetritivores in natural and restored Neotropical mangrove forests, Gary Eugene Raulerson
Quantification of marine sediment properties from planar and volumetric pore geometries, Allen Hagerman Reed
Transport and deposition of fluid mud event layers along the western Louisiana inner shelf, Kristina Anne Rotondo
Feeding ecology and morphometric analysis of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, in the Mermentau River, Louisiana, Nicole Adele Smith
Short-term evolution of a marsh island system and the importance of cold front forcing, Terrebonne Bay, Louisiana, Dana Ann Watzke
Stormwater diversion as a potential coastal wetland restoration method, Jennifer Howard Woods
Theses from 2003
Quantifying habitat quality of larval bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) in Chesapeake Bay by linking an individual-based model with spatially-detailed field data, Aaron Thomas Adamack
An Ecopath/Ecosim analysis of an estuarine food web: seasonal energy flow and response to river-flow related perturbations, Laura Lynette Althauser
Black willow (Salix nigra) use in phytoremediation techniques to remove the herbicide bentazon from shallow groundwater, Robert Mark Conger
The effects of sediment grain size and oil exploration on microbial ATP biomass, Eric Tyson Guilbeau
The effect on water quality of riverine input into coastal wetlands, Robert Raymond Lane
A comparison of life histories and ecological aspects among snappers (Pisces: Lutjanidae), Fernando Martinez-Andrade
Abundance trends and environmental habitat usage patterns of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in lower Barataria and Caminada Bays, Louisiana, Cara Edina Miller
The ecology of two estuarine-dependent tonguefishes, the blackcheek tonguefish (Symphurus plagiusa) and the offshore tonguefish (S. civitatium), in coastal Louisiana, Theodore Scott Switzer
Pulsed river flooding effects on sediment deposition in Breton Sound estuary, Louisiana, Katherine Wheelock
Theses from 2002
Feeding habits of blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, and Atlantic sharpnose sharks, Rhizoprionodon terraenovae, in Louisiana coastal waters, Kevin Patrick Barry
Ontogeny and intervals of development in five reef-associated species of blenny from the northern Gulf of Mexico (Teleostei: Blenniidae), James G. Ditty
The effects of fall coldfront passages on the nekton community in a tidal creek in Port Fourchon, LA, as monitored by hydroacoustics, David J. Harmon
Scientific and management perspectives in wetland groundwater hydrology, Lorna Veronica Inniss
Denitrification potential of sediment from a future Mississippi River diversion site in Louisiana, Roy Ryuta Iwai
Tidal dynamics in the Bab el Mandab Strait, Ewa Jarosz
The importance of zooplankton in the diets of blue runner (Caranx crysos) near offshore petroleum platforms in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Sean Francis Keenan