Simulation based tomographic reconstruction of combustion zones using direct absorption and WMS-2f spectroscopy
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Conference Proceeding
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Temperature and concentration distributions of two standard flames were reconstructed with the help of computer tomography. Reconstructions were based on time-averaged temperature and species data of the axially symmetric Sandia D flame and steady state data for a McKenna flame assuming stoichiometric methane-air composition. Line integrated absorption measurements across the flames for absorption by water vapor (H2O) in the 6930-6940 cm-1 range were simulated to obtain the projection values for tomography. Spectroscopic parameters for the transitions, such as line-strengths, transition wavenumbers, collisional broadening coefficients and coefficients for their temperature dependency were selected from the HITRAN database. These projection values were then de-convoluted to reconstruct the temperature and the concentration profiles. The laser itself was assumed to have RIN (relative intensity noise) with a '1/f' spectral distribution, while the photo-detector was assumed to have white shot and thermal noise. The comparisons of reconstructed results indicate the application of WMS-2f in conjunction with tomography as a promising method to produce spatially resolved temperature and concentration distributions for stationary flames.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2011, WSS/CI 2011 Fall Meeting
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Recommended Citation
Guha, A., & Schoegl, I. (2011). Simulation based tomographic reconstruction of combustion zones using direct absorption and WMS-2f spectroscopy. Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute 2011, WSS/CI 2011 Fall Meeting, 531-541. Retrieved from