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This paper proves that, for every integernexceeding two, there is a numberN(n) such that every 3-connected matroid with at leastN(n) elements has a minor that is isomorphic to one of the following matroids: an (n+2)-point line or its dual, the cycle or cocycle matroid ofK3,n, the cycle matroid of a wheel withnspokes, a whirl of rankn, or ann-spike. A matroid is of the last type if it has ranknand consists ofnthree-point lines through a common point such that, for allkin {1,2,...,n-1}, the union of every set ofkof these lines has rankk+1. © 1997 Academic Press.
Publication Source (Journal or Book title)
Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B
First Page
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Recommended Citation
Ding, G., Oporowski, B., Oxley, J., & Vertigan, D. (1997). Unavoidable minors of large 3-connected matroids. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B, 71 (2), 244-293.