Volume 17, Issue 3 (2018) Petro-Geographies and Hydrocarbon Realities in Latin America
Guest Editors: Matthew Fry, Department of Geography, University of North Texas, and Elvin Delgado, Department of Geography, Central Washington University
Letter from the Editor
Christopher Gaffney
Petro-Geographies and Hydrocarbon Realities in Latin America
Matthew Fry and Elvin Delgado
Petro-geographies and the dialectic of the everyday. Enforcing environmental laws in the hydrocarbon sector in post-neoliberal Ecuador
Teresa Bornschlegl
Canadian capital and Mexico’s Energy Reform: A Legal Geographical Approach
Aleida Hernández Cervantes and Anna Zalik
Fracking Vaca Muerta: Socio-Economic Implications of Shale Gas Extraction in Northern Patagonia, Argentina.
Elvin Delgado
“Jodidísimos”: The Local Politics of Hydrocarbon Acceptance in Colombia’s Eastern Plains
Néstor L. Silva
Metano-Territorialidades: Renta y Transformación Energética Durante La Era Del Gas Natural En Los Andes
Felipe Irarrazaval
How Guyana’s Oil Discovery Rekindled a Border Controversy
Anthony R. Cummings
Reassembling Caribbean Energy? Petrocaribe, (Post-)Plantation Sovereignty, and Caribbean Energy Futures
Conor Harrison and Jeff Popke
JLAG Perspectives
The Poetry of "Build the Wall"
Reece Jones
Jump It, Climb It, Dig It for the Environment: Meddling with Trump’s Border Wall
Francisco Lara-Valencia and Margaret Wilder
Walls, Waivers, and What We Don’t Know
Kenneth Madsen
Hardening the Border
Stefano Bloch
Book Reviews
The Extractive Zone: Social Ecologies and Decolonial Perspectives by Macarena Gómez-Barris
Tom Perreault
Energy without Conscience: Oil, Climate Change, and Complicity by David McDermott Hughes
Macarena Gomez-Barris
Huaorani Transformations in Twenty-First-Century Ecuador: Treks into the Future of Time by Laura Rival
Frank Hutchins