Volume 1, Issue 1 (2013)
An Editorial Introduction Omnia Mutantur Nos Et Mutamur In Illis
Kenneth J. Fasching-Varner and Dr. Stan Barrera IV
Building on What Children Bring: Cognitive and Sociocultural Approaches to Teaching Literacy
Catherine Compton-Lilly
Literacy Transformation Through The Common Core: Finding our Heartbeat
Catherine Maderazo
Effect of Increased Exposure to Informational Text on Teacher Attitude in the Elementary Classroom
Heather D. Kindall and Janet Penner-Williams
Common Core State Standards and Text Complexity: An Invitation to Learn Language in STEM Disciplines using a Range of Quality Literature
Rebecca M. Giles and Leah Kinniburgh
Text Review: Children’s Picture Books
Joanna Robertson-Eletto