


Master of Science in Biological and Agricultural Engineering (MSBAE)


Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Document Type



The ultimate goal of this research is to characterize data from the laboratory, pilot, and industrial scale rice mills. Pilot and laboratory scale data are presented in this research. Two long grain rice cultivars were milled with two different scale mills. Cheniere and Cypress were milled with a McGill No. 2 mill and a pilot scale mill (Satake). Both material streams, rice kernels and bran, were collected and weighed. Measurements of Degree of milling, transparency, and whiteness were made with a milling meter (Satake). Yield and bran fraction were calculated. Samples of the bran were heat stabilized and prepared for high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). HPLC analysis determined the concentration of vitamin E and oryzanol. Parameter values were reported as laboratory, pilot, or category assignment of low, medium, and high. Yield values for both rice varieties and both mill scales were highest at the low category. Degree of milling measurements increased with increasing process time setting for the laboratory scale mill and with increasing operational mill setting for the pilot scale mill. DOM data divided by category showed an increase for both varieties and both mill scales from the low to high categories. Transparency and whiteness values increased from low to high category. At the laboratory scale mill, for Cheniere, the highest levels of vitamin E and oryzanol occurred at the 10 second mill setting. For Cypress, the highest level of vitamin E occurred at the 10 second mill setting, and the highest level of oryzanol resulted at the 5 second time setting. Category and pilot scale values for both vitamin E and oryzanol were highest at the low category or the lowest mill setting.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Marybeth Lima



Included in

Engineering Commons
