


Master of Arts (MA)


Geography and Anthropology

Document Type



In order to test the effectiveness of various types of remote sensing for applications in archaeology, remote sensing data in the form of color infrared aerial photography, Airborne Terrestrial Applications Sensor (ATLAS) imagery, 35mm (black and white) and (color) infrared photography, and ground penetrating radar (GPR) were used at the Broussard Mounds site. Additionally, light detection and ranging (LIDAR) digital elevation imagery was downloaded, processed, and interpreted. Anomalies identified through the use of remote sensing were relocated geospatially and archaeological testing procedures were used to verify the presence of subsurface archaeological remains and to document the prehistoric cultural components at the site. Materials recovered from prehistoric cultural features at Mound B were attributed to the Smithfield Phase of the early Marksville Period. The excavations near Mound A identified a remnant of a late nineteenth or early twentieth century brick structure. The types of remote sensing used at the Broussard Mounds site were found to have mixed results for locating archaeological features. The color infrared aerial photography and ATLAS data were not efficient because of the effects of seasonal vegetation, but the ATLAS imagery showed promise for identifying historic structures using the short wave infrared and thermal bands of the sensor. 35mm photography required greater control in order to be more effective, but also showed potential for locating historic archaeological features. GPR data indicated numerous anomalies with possible associations with archaeological features. However, excavations only verified archaeological features at three of the locations. Several other GPR anomalies were tested, but could not be confirmed archaeologically.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Rebecca Saunders


