Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
Document Type
Ordinary Perspective is a body of ceramic work that shows a representation of a typical day, highlighting ordinary moments and creating a portrait of everyday life. This work distills down experiences into still images that sum-up the experience of the “In-Between” moments. These are the times that are not committed to memory, but are an essential part of our everyday lives. In this body of work I am addressing places where people are expected to take on the role of a loner. By observing people who are together, but not in a group allows me to observe the details of (anti)social situations without any actual interaction. Focusing on idiosyncrasies within the monotony, I suggest narratives through imagery drawn on ceramic forms. This body of work contains panoramic images spanning across multiple functional vessels, small wall tiles, which show more intimate moments inside the home, and large jar forms, which show portraits of people in their daily routine and make eye contact with the viewer to form a personal connection. By focusing on the “In-Between” parts of the day I am able to show the vulnerability, loneliness, and isolation that can fill much of our daily life
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Higgins, Autumn Rose, "Ordinary perspective" (2014). LSU Master's Theses. 787.
Committee Chair
Shaw, Andy