Master of Mass Communication (MMC)
Mass Communication
Document Type
Media research often argues that viewing certain media can significantly increase the likelihood someone will develop an eating disorder or become obese. This study uses social cognitive and drama theory to discuss how adolescents may learn nutrition information and eating habits by watching television programs. Since adolescence is when people form eating habits, this exploratory study will analyze the nutrition content in three top teen television shows. This quantitative content analysis found that the characters in teen television primarily have a healthy body size but consume unhealthy items. This may be sending a message to adolescents that unhealthy nutrition maintains a healthy body size. Although teen television addresses eating disorders, it ignores obesity. Entertainment education (EE) case studies show the effectiveness of incorporating health content into television programs. The results of this study suggest that health organizations need to collaborate with the producers of television shows targeting adolescents to increase the prevalence of sensible eating on television. This research contributes to health communication research and studies on nutrition content on television.
Document Availability at the Time of Submission
Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.
Recommended Citation
Dickson, Carly Nicole, "Nutrition and eating habits in adolescent television programs: a content analysis of food and beverage consumption on popular teen television" (2009). LSU Master's Theses. 721.
Committee Chair
Hyunjae Yu