


Master of Science (MS)


Agricultural Economics

Document Type



This study addresses the issue of antidumping investigations and their effect on trade of agricultural products. The question which this study addresses is whether antidumping is helping domestic industries or is simply diverting trade away from the named countries to the non- named countries (countries not mentioned in the antidumping petition). Antidumping has emerged as an important tool in the hands of importing countries over the last two decades The World Trade Organization (WTO) has defined dumping as a situation of international price discrimination. Dumping occurs when exporting countries are selling the product in the international market at a price lower than the prices in the domestic market. By the implementation of the Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (The Antidumping Agreement), dumping is considered as an introduction of any product in the commerce of another country at less than its normal value. According to that article, WTO members can impose antidumping measures if after investigation, the following facts are proved: (i) that dumping is occurring, (ii) that the domestic industry producing the same product in the importing country is affected by material injury, and (iii) that there is causal link between the two. In 2001, at Doha, Qatar the WTO initiated a new round of global trade talks and an agenda was been signed declaring the new trade-remedy laws. The trade-remedy laws, though being in compliance with the WTO, have been viewed by the developing nations as a form of hidden protection for the developed world. This study focuses on the U.S. antidumping investigation cases of agricultural products. Information about the agricultural antidumping investigation cases which were filed during the time period 1994-2004 is considered. The study results suggest that there is no significant trade diversion from the named countries to the non-named countries but that total imports decline as a result of a decline in imports from named countries.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Walter R Jr Keithly


