


Master of Science (MS)


Mechanical Engineering

Document Type



Engineering material systems with tailored capabilities are a topic trend in plethora of research. Polymer based Artificial Muscle, PAM, and Shape memory polymer fiber, SMPF, enable structural engineers to incorporate smartness functionality into their design through programming cycles. Smartness functionality leads to the production of artificial muscles with different load carrying capability. SMPF is another category of smart materials, which are capable of being micro-structurally engineered to isolate vibration at different temperature and frequency conditions. The smartness functionality offers the adjustment between inherent properties of these materials with their industrial applications through modeling techniques. Mixture of phenomenological, numerical, mathematical models provides phenomenological Multiscale model to study effect of thermal fluctuation on mechanical response of polymer based artificial muscle. This model provides an insight to the nature of thermo mechanical response at macroscopic scale as well as the theory behind stress-strain evolution over working temperature. Multiscale modeling techniques is applied to study dynamic response through relating the damping and storage properties of a smart material, SMPF, to the stiffness and damping coefficient of a single degree of freedom system, SDOF. Damping coefficient, c, is related to the loss factor and natural frequency of the system; equivalent stiffness, k, is correlated to the storage modulus and geometry of the specimen.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Li, Guoqiang


