


Master of Architecture (MArch)



Document Type



For a park site, it is very important and necessary to let the local planning authorities realize and understand the important aspects and benefits of the site and to establish the long-range development strategies for the location. In order to succeed during the planning process, the communication and information that flow among all the participants must be well organized. In this situation, a project-wide Geographic Information System (GIS) would be a good solution. The goal of this project is to explore the possibilities for administrative authorities to implement a GIS database system to support the site planning and management of a park site. The research is based on three parts: The first involves components related to the field of park planning and GIS technology. It provides an outline of the park planning and management process, GIS techniques, and GIS-based strategies that have been developed for use in park planning and design. The second part provides a method of developing a GIS database prototype for park planning and management. An inventory of existing assets and options for future development can be integrated in a GIS database. Then this provides a platform for the gradual development of a comprehensive park management system. The third part involves the development of a prototypical GIS database design for an existing park site. It represents a practical implementation of a GIS system for the Burden Center, an historical and agricultural research center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. This system will give quality information about the Burden Center site and will serve as a foundation to facilitate park planning, decision-making, facility management, future development, and resource interpretation for educational purposes.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

C. Barrett Kennedy



Included in

Architecture Commons
