


Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

Document Type



A public university that is perceived as being physically open and accessible to the general public can help promote a better relationship between the city and the university. Public urban universities have a responsibility to provide usable, accessible open space for the public. Universities and designers recognize the importance of integrating their campus into the community and creating spaces for students that allow for outdoor and social activities. However, little attention has been given to the need to provide spaces that allow for outdoor and social activities for the public. The public urban university was used as a model because as a public institution it has an obligation to provide usable open space for the public and it has a captive audience in its immediate surroundings. Two types of spaces were evaluated: entrances/gateways and park-like spaces. Nine characteristics were established, from site visits and readings, as a framework in which to evaluate the accessibility and usability of each space for the public. The methods for this thesis were established to observe, evaluate, and understand outdoor spaces using literature, site visits, and personal interviews. The nine characteristics were applied to each space and were then evaluated their effectiveness in creating an accessible space. Each campus space was analyzed and I determined why or why not the space is perceived as accessible to the public.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Raymond Isaacs


