Semester of Graduation

Summer 2024


Master of Science (MS)


School of Renewable Natural Resources

Document Type



Invasive invertebrate species is a global issue that negatively impacts biodiversity, economics, and human health. Freshwater habitats are particularly at-risk to invasive invertebrates, and the aquarium trade has been found to be an important pathway for “hitchhiker” species introductions into several freshwater systems. A horizon scan is necessary to identify potential invasive invertebrates in the United States, and a human dimensions study of aquarium trade stakeholders is an integral part of this assessment. The horizon scan consisted of a literature review of global invasive invertebrates globally, and development of an expert-based prioritized list of invasive invertebrates by geographic region. In the human dimension study, a survey with science-based and attitude-based questions investigated attitudes and behaviors of aquarists and non-aquarists regarding the potential of the aquarium trade as a pathway for invertebrate introductions. Analysis focused on response differences between aquarium hobbyists and the public, and I hypothesized that aquarists will be better educated on the topic of potential introductions than non-aquarists. I also expected aquarists to exhibit more positive attitudes and behaviors towards the environment than non-aquarists. The horizon scan list building process produced >7,600 potential invasive species, and the horizon scan climate match and filtering process reduced to a list of 587 taxa for subsequent scoring. My survey did not support either hypothesis, and instead, determined that experience level better explained differences among aquarists.



Committee Chair

Kaller, Michael D.


Available for download on Thursday, July 08, 2027
