Semester of Graduation
Summer 2024
Master of Science (MS)
Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Document Type
The primary objective of this research was to employ strategical methodological approaches to assess the economic value of specific sub-sectors of the green industry within Louisiana. I specifically focused on addressing errors associated with utilizing survey data as the primary data source in such analyses and utilizing approaches such as post-survey stratification and bootstrapping techniques to mitigate these errors.
To achieve this aim, a group of green industry professionals and I selected sectors for analysis based on horticultural licenses issued by the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF). Through collaboration with advisors from the Louisiana Nursery and Landscape Association (LNLA), I focused on two key license groups: landscape horticulturist and nursery certificate holders. The data collection strategy involved disseminating tailored surveys to holders of Louisiana licenses within these groups, ensuring coverage of the target population. A hybrid approach that leveraged both primary survey data as well as secondary data was used to generate contribution scenarios that were applied to IMPLAN’s input-output model.
Methodologies applied throughout the research process consisted of employing IMPLAN’s input-output model, re-assessing IMPLAN’s production functions, performing post-survey stratification, and applying a bootstrap method to improve survey data quality. The landscape horticulturist sector of the green industry resulted in a direct output ranging from $635 million to $1.56 billion. The results discovered that the landscape horticultural services sector has a total contribution ranging from $1.1 billion to $2.7 billion.
Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture was incorporated and subjected to sensitivity analysis using IMPLAN's Industry Impact Analysis event scenario. Results indicated that the Greenhouse, Nursery, and Floriculture Production IMPLAN sector yielded a direct output of $156.5 million. Sensitivity analysis identified a contribution range between $256.6 million, while and $263.5 million. Moreover, the industry exhibited an economic contribution multiplier ranging from 1.640 to 1.648. Further examination of the sector revealed that contribution peaked at $111.1 million in employee compensation. Additionally, the industry's value-added contribution ranged from $104.4 million to $151.1 million.
Recommended Citation
Plaisance, Madison Jane, "Methods to Manage Survey Error Within Economic Contribution Analysis" (2024). LSU Master's Theses. 5990.
Committee Chair
Fannin, Matthew J.