Semester of Graduation

Spring 2024


Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Large-scale cell culture platforms are essential for meeting the escalating demand of the biopharmaceutical industry, necessitating scalable solutions, and overcoming inherent challenges. There is a wide range of bioreactors that operate under different modes; however, the dynamic nature of bioreactor technology and the challenges it faces including the issues related to shear stress, optimizing mixing, ensuring efficient oxygen transfer, and mitigating carbon dioxide removal, while addressing scalability, require innovative solutions. In this study, a scaled-up version of the Fiber Rolled Scaffold (Fiber-RS) bioreactor is introduced, which is specifically designed for high-density anchorage-dependent cell expansion. The bioreactor is composed of a three-layer structure, including a thin polymer film, a non-woven fiber layer, and a feed spacer layer, offering a substantial surface area for cell adhesion and growth with an impressive surface-area-to-volume ratio of 180.6 cm2/mL as well as an efficient culture medium perfusion. CHO-K1 cells were seeded into the bioreactor, and the cell expansion, lactate production and glucose consumption were monitored throughout the study. The results exhibited robust cell growth, achieving a 72-fold increase in cell count within five days. The CHO-K1 cells reached a maximum count of 15.337 × 109 cells, with a peak cell density of 80.3 × 106 cells/mL. Glucose consumption and lactate production results demonstrated the efficient nutrient utilization by the cells in this bioreactor implying increased cellular activity and, consequently, enhanced productivity, which can be advantageous for biopharmaceutical production applications. Overall, the research on the scaled-up Fiber-RS bioreactor presents a promising step in advancing high-density cell culture systems. This research contributes to the field's evolution and its ability to meet the demands of the biopharmaceutical industry. Future work involves developing larger industrial-scale versions, exploring the expansion of various cell lines, enhancing control systems, and optimizing the entire bioprocessing pipeline for sustainability.



Committee Chair

Park, Kidong

Available for download on Sunday, November 29, 2026
