Semester of Graduation

Fall 2023


Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Document Type



This study is motivated by the evident gap in integrating Complete Streets principles into pavement preservation. Complete Streets opportunities, which aim to accommodate all road users, are typically encouraged in all kinds of projects including new construction, reconstruction, preservation, and rehabilitation. While the concept of Complete Streets is understood in terms of new construction (e.g., building sidewalks), its application through pavement preservation programs is not well-developed. To bridge the gap between the Complete Streets and pavement preservation, this study conducted a comprehensive review on how state Department of Transportation (DOTs) are currently incorporating Complete Streets into pavement preservation and identified three key solutions: low-cost safety improvements, road diet technique, and project upgrade. Meanwhile, a prior study conducted to evaluate Complete Streets project outcomes raised concerns about speeding and potential crash risk after a project starts. This review, coupled with the country-wide statistics pertaining to work zone safety, expanded the study’s scope to conduct an in-depth investigation on crash risk and application of speed management techniques (as a low-cost safety improvement method) during pavement preservation works. To assess the crash risk, the study compiled a list of preservation projects funded by Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) between 2018 and 2020. A project-based crash analysis was conducted, involving statistical analysis to assess the crash rate change during pavement preservation. The before-and-after comparison and the regression analysis results revealed a significant increase of crashes after pavement preservation works started, particularly on rural collector roads and led to the consideration of an appropriate speed management technique. “Radar Speed Feedback Signs (RSFS)” stood out as more suitable speed management technique to reduce crash risk during pavement preservation on rural collectors. The subsequent benefit-cost analysis results showed that implementing speed management technique within two years after pavement preservation works starts would yield greater positive returns on investment (as evidenced by a benefit-cost ratio (BCR) over three). The study findings are expected to be useful for state DOTs in reducing crash risk related to speeding, improving work zone safety, and better integrating the concept of Complete Streets into their pavement preservation programs.

Keywords: Complete Streets; Pavement Preservation; Speed Management; Radar Speed Feedback Signs; Benefit-Cost Analysis



Committee Chair

Dr. Hany Hassan
