Semester of Graduation

August 2019


Master of Science (MS)


School of Renewable Natural Resources

Document Type



The Louisiana commercial shrimp fishery has faced numerous challenges and is declining at an alarming rate. The opportunity may exist to add value to the industry by creating a superior product through optimal operating procedures. Post-harvest processes of plate freezing were analyzed to develop a high-quality shrimp product capable of fostering economic growth for fishermen. Quantifiable data was collected via overnight trips onboard plate freezing boats and at plate freezing docks. Sulfite-free melanosis prevention testing occurred by exploring the use of 4-hexylresorcinol treatments, in combination with vacuum packaging and modified atmosphere packaging, to delay the onset of black spot. Physical and chemical properties of plate frozen shrimp were analyzed from collaborating fishermen. Saltbox concentrations were examined for efficiency, potential mortality on blue crabs, and effect on residual salt content in shrimp tissue. Results found 4-hexylresorcinol products successfully inhibited black spot development for up to 10 days. Vacuum-packaging and modified atmosphere packaging did not have significant effects on melanosis inhibition. Juvenile and immature blue crabs were not significantly harmed by hypersaline conditions or the use of sulfites in saltboxes. The culling procedure can be significantly shortened through proper salinity use in a saltbox. The use of plate freezers both onboard and at docks has the potential to improve shrimp quality, as well as advance the economic stability of the industry.

Committee Chair

Lively, Julie


