


Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Cognitive Radio is an emerging technology that enables efficient utilization of the spectrum. As such, it has created great interests in industrial and research fields. Many people have proposed test-bed models for the performance analysis of primary and secondary users in a real-time noise environment. However, these test-beds are generally lacking in their range of capabilities as well as accurate implementation of the proposed models. In this thesis, we develop our test-bed on USRP to achieve the spectrum sensing and co-existence of primary and secondary users, while implementing the rendezvous protocols for secondary traffic coordination. We first demonstrate the spectrum sensing on the primary users using an energy detector(Average periodogram analysis) to obtain the average power of the primary channel under two different channel conditions (busy or idle). The focus is extended on developing the Markov traffic model and the Coded OFDM transceivers, while discussing the practical limitations for Markov traffic and viable solutions for reducing the burst errors for Coded OFDM. Finally, a four-node test-bed model of primary and secondary users is analyzed with the interference metrics (packet loss and error rate) for different scenarios. Also, the throughput and the interference metrics are compared for different rendezvous protocols of the secondary users.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Wei, Shuangqing


