


Master of Arts (MA)


Foreign Languages and Literatures

Document Type



The social sciences have spearheaded much of the discussion about sexuality in academia, and the various subfields have within them their own versions of sex research that investigate the factors that make up our sexuality. The study at hand unites the field of linguistics with a non-English language, Spanish, to further bridge the gap in sex research. Three primary sources are consulted, a novel; CREA, the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual; and a public sexual education packet to see how the language of sexuality manifests in different types of media. The guiding question for this research is as follows: what do we need to know about the sexual vocabulary of Spanish to understand Spanish sexuality? To answer this question, a qualitative study is conducted on the existing sexual vocabulary of Spanish. It was found that Spanish sexual vocabulary can be analyzed with a schema that presents metaphors for Identity, Risk, Apostasy, Legitimization, and Inclusion. With the presentation of this schema, the field of sexuality studies gains a new perspective and a new way to evaluate attitudes about sexuality. There is a growing need in linguistics for qualitative data, and studies like this one offer a solution to this lack of qualitative information, as well as a methodology designed to handle qualitative data.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

King, Jeremy


