


Master of Science (MS)


School of Nutrition and Food Sciences

Document Type



The effects of plant source cooking oils on cholesterol oxidation during heating in cholesterol standard and salmon meat model were investigated. A GC-MS system was used to identify and quantify of cholesterol and cholesterol oxidation products. The capabilities of different plant source cooking oils in preventing cholesterol oxidation were compared. Commercial plant oils used in this experiment included corn oil, canola oil, olive oil, soybean oil, and rice bran oil. Two lab prepared crude soybean and rice bran oils were also used in this study to evaluate their capabilities of preventing cholesterol oxidation. The tocopherols and tocotrienols antioxidants in those oils were measured by a HPLC system as well. In both cholesterol and salmon meat models, it was found that the cholesterol level decreased with increasing heating temperature and time. The cholesterol decreasing in the salmon meat model was not as fast as in the cholesterol model. Ketocholesterol was the major cholesterol oxidation product in the two models. Soybean oil had the highest capability in preventing cholesterol oxidation, while rice bran oil had the lowest capability among these oils. The soybean oil had the highest alpha and gamma-tocopherol levels, which were considered to be the major antioxidant components of preventing cholesterol oxidation. The commercial oils had lower level of tocopherol and tocotrienol than the lab prepared oil due to the loss of those antioxidants during oil refining procedures. The different capacities between lab prepared soybean oil and rice bran oil in salmon samples were not as significant as in cholesterol model since the salmon meat may contain antioxidants in itself and reduce the total amount of cholesterol oxidation.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Zhimin Xu



Included in

Life Sciences Commons
