


Master of Science (MS)


Textiles, Apparel and Merchandising Design

Document Type



The United States apparel industry has become more dependent on the overseas vendors; it is important for the industry to get to know about the sourcing destination more precisely. In general, developing countries are the leading suppliers of the apparel goods for the United States. But in practice, these countries are different in their strengths and weaknesses to fit in the supplier base for the US market. This study sought to identify the benefit factors of sourcing apparel from Bangladesh. The objectives of this study were to: Identify the considering factors of apparel sourcing; investigate the effect of these sourcing factors on Bangladesh; test the effect of these sourcing factors with regards to United States apparel imports; and identify relationships among sourcing factors regarding Bangladesh and United States imports. An online survey was administered to 106 industry professionals related to sourcing in the US. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple regression. Participants found Bangladesh as a favorable apparel sourcing destination for several reasons. Results indicated many US apparel retailers, brands, and importers do not have experience sourcing apparel from Bangladesh. Additionally, results indicated participants were not aware of the detailed offerings of the vertically integrated Bangladeshi vendors. Inexpensive labor and standard product quality were considered positive influencing factors to source apparel from Bangladesh. Participants found import tariff and lead time as constraints for Bangladesh. Currency exchange rate between US dollar and Bangladeshi taka was not considered an issue by the participants. Results of this study indicate multiple advantages exist for US based apparel companies to source their manufacturing in Bangladesh.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Romeo, Laurel D


