


Master of Science in Civil Engineering (MSCE)


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Document Type



Currently, the design of flexible pavements is generally conducted based on static properties such as California Bearing Ratio and soil support value. These properties do not represent the actual response of the pavement layers under traffic loadings. Recognizing this deficiency, the current and the 2002 mechanistic –empirical guide for design of pavement structures recommended the use of resilient modulus for characterizing the base and subgrade soil and for the design of flexible pavements. The objective of this study was to develop models to estimate the resilient modulus of base and subgrade soils from in situ test devices. Two types of cohesive soils and three types of granular soils commonly used in Louisiana were considered. Three types of in situ devices Geogauge, Light Falling Weight Deflectometer, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and a laboratory repeated triaxial test were conducted on the soil types evaluated at various moisture content and dry density combinations. Statistical models for predicting the resilient modulus were developed based on the field and laboratory test results. These models correlate the resilient modulus to the in-situ test devices test results and basic soil properties. Good agreement was observed between predicted and measured values of the resilient modulus from the laboratory triaxial test.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Louay N. Mohammad


