


Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



Document Type



The beauty of the natural world, from the literal to the abstract: color, texture, shape, sounds, plant structure and anatomy, has continuously been the source of inspiration for artists and graphic designers. Our natural environment provides a readily available resource as a basis of visual study and exploration to develop a unique visual language and construct compelling work. Therefore, the aim of my thesis investigation is to create a new visual language and communication based on the inherent beauty within nature and geometric forms found in nature. I began my investigation by developing a family of symbols based on natural elements and geometry, for example flowers, water, mountains, clouds, stars, etc. These symbols and shapes were then simplified into abstractions and illustrations with geometric and organic characteristics. Next, I transformed the family of symbols into patterns that formed the basis of raw material to develop this unique visual language. The elements (line, shape, direction, size, texture, color, value) and principles (balance, repetition, contrast, harmony, unity) of design formed the building blocks to help create my design language. These visual explorations are manifested into a unique design language, and then applied to the methodology of visual communication and problem-solving to promote the Helsinki Design Week 2015. This international festival, the largest design event in Northern Europe, offers a city-wide meeting place and discussion forum for design professionals. The program includes exhibitions, fashion shows, seminars, galas, and workshops. Helsinki Design Week 2015 is a noteworthy event that invites enthusiasts, professionals, and all friends of design to participate in extraordinary happenings throughout the city of Helsinki, Finland. Through these visual investigations and experimentations, introducing typography and juxtaposing patterns, I was able to achieve my goal of developing a unique visual vocabulary and adapt it to communication design.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Doubleday, Richard Brian



Included in

Fine Arts Commons
