


Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



Document Type



My thesis show, A Sweeter Life: A Celebration of Desserts is an exploration in using clay to create a celebratory event. Throughout my graduate studies I have been interested in creating memorable moments for my audience through the use of functional ceramic objects. The utilitarian forms are inspired by specific foods. This body of work celebrates the pleasures of springtime desserts through the use of unique table settings. Each setting has its own theme of fruit or delicacy to highlight the joy of desserts. I am interested in how desserts can be enhanced by their serving pieces and how a collection of desserts can relate to each other in shape, size and color. Through this interaction, the serving objects create a memorable experience for the audience. The exhibit comprises of a collection of five different circular dessert tables. The circle is a foundation for all of my dessert table settings because of its inherent connection to the idea of a cycle. I am interested in the importance of cycles within our lives and their possibilities for marking time, place, and recalling memory. In considering how cycles can mark time, I have chosen to work with seasonal cycles, focusing on spring. Throughout my life I have felt as if I have perpetually wanted to exist in the springtime because the sentiments that are associated with the spring season give rise to the feelings of renewal, freshness, and hope. These are all feelings that I cherish and have inspired the ceramic work I create.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Michaelene Walsh



Included in

Fine Arts Commons
