


Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA)


Landscape Architecture

Document Type



The term “gateways” has been used in many contexts as a means of providing entry or connection. Gateways are where people congregate to leave a realm of familiarity to one of uncertainty and adventure. They can also mark the entrance into an area of interest. Gateways may have a significant impact on an individual’s impression of a particular destination. This thesis provides arguments for using boating gateways into the Atchafalaya Basin (AB) region as the basis for a recreational framework that encompasses eight parishes. A common theme that exists in all eight AB parishes is their boat launches. They represent public access points or “gateways” into the forested wetlands that identify the Basin. These gateways can have a significant consequence on visitor impression. Research on human environmental preferences justifies the preference for these boat launch settings. A framework is then constructed on the basis of these settings by applying organizational principles employed by Kevin Lynch. This organization facilitates human functioning within an environment. The framework will be offered as a proposal for updating the 1999 State Master Plan (SMP) for the Atchafalaya Basin Floodway System (ABFS). A series of maps designed from color infrared aerial photographs will communicate the boat launch data to address arguments posed by Lynch and the preference studies. Vector and satellite maps will illustrate the framework within the eight parishes.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Charles F. Fryling, Jr.


