


Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE)


Construction Management

Document Type



Many organizational problems are related to job dissatisfaction, job-related stress, and lack of commitment in workers. Employees’ Affective Attitude (EAA) involves these three factors: job satisfaction, job stress, and commitment. This research is aimed at measuring the impact of Lean concepts on EAA factors. While providing an overview of Lean production and construction, this study focuses on one fundamental Lean concept, Kaizen. This thesis describes a case study showcasing the application of Lean concepts through Kaizen events and its impact on EAA for a modular homebuilder company. Based on previous literature a conceptual model was developed describing the potential links between Kaizen events and EAA factors. The conceptual model also took into account employee’s seniority level (work experience) which might have an impact on the three factors of EAA. To measure three factors of EAA, an Employees’ Affective Attitude Questionnaire (EAAQ) was compiled from other validated questionnaires. The research methodology entailed two phases Phase I aimed at developing a company-wide baseline of the current levels of EAA at a modular homebuilding company without Lean practices. In addition, Phase I analyzed any variation due to employees’ seniority level on their EAA factors. Phase II aimed to characterize the state of EAA factors after implementing Lean concepts through a Kaizen event. After surveying 82 employees in Phase I and conducting a Kaizen event at one department in Phase II, results revealed an increase in job satisfaction (11.5%) and commitment level (15.9%); whereas there a decrease in job stress level (6.7%). Results from Phase I- (pre- Kaizen), indicated that employees had moderate level of job satisfaction, commitment, and job stress for all seniority level. After conducting the Kaizen event, results of Phase II revealed that employee experienced increase in their job satisfaction and commitment level, and a decrease in job stress level among all seniority levels. In general, the case study results suggested that Lean concepts (e.g. eliminating production waste, improving productivity, and enhancing worker’s role perception) were also good concepts for improving EAA factors among different seniority levels at the modular homebuilder company.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

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Committee Chair

Nahmens, Isabelina


