


Master of Science (MS)


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Document Type



Development of a three-phase switching compensator algorithm, based on the Currents’ Physical Components (CPC) power theory and capable of performing in real time, is the subject of this thesis. The compensator algorithm could be implemented to control a PWM Inverter, which would perform as a shunt switching compensator of harmonic, reactive and unbalanced currents or a customizable combination of the three. The hardware used to demonstrate the ability of the algorithm to perform within the restraints or real time operation is a Motorola DSP56F807 evaluation mode DSP board and a set of voltage and current sensors. The Evaluation Board was programmed, using Metrowerks Code Warrior 7.0©, to provide the compensator control algorithm according to the CPC power theory. The software written to control the compensator is primarily C based, but includes Java beans to control specific setting on the DSP board. After data acquisition and digital signal processing, a CPC based algorithm, developed within this thesis, is the tool used to generate the reference signal. Once the reference signal is attained, the space vector PWM technique is applied to generate PWM outputs, which could be used to control an inverter. The inverter could then inject current into the power system such that the supply current is symmetrical, sinusoidal and in phase with the supply voltage.



Document Availability at the Time of Submission

Release the entire work immediately for access worldwide.

Committee Chair

Leszek Czarnecki


